管理与市场营销的心理分析case study
The study on Psychoanalytical Perspectives of Management and Marketing intends to seek perspectives using the psychoanalytical approach in the field of management and marketing. These two core concepts under the business division bind the involvement of customer-related activities and at the same time the handling of goods, products or services. As such, it is more profound to consider different approaches on how to achieve the literal and inner goals of marketing in acquiring customer satisfaction, by understanding the psychoanalytical approach of Sigmund Freud. On the other side of the coin, this study might as well tackle the relationship of the said theory in processing improvement or modernization as highlighted in the management field. Thus, these concepts generally correlate some important aspects that might be associated with psychoanalysis, in the hope that it might offer a more insightful comprehension and in-depth understanding on both management and marketing activity.
Oliver Sheldon, noted in his book, The Philosophy of Management, terms taken from J.G. Frederick's book on Business Research and Statistic, which includes aspects from management: "Business organization has not only had to deal with far greater aggregations of workers than ever before, but it also has had to deal with personalities far more intricate and self-willed than ever before. There being no longer possible a refined species of enslavement and exploitation of workers, management becomes more and more a study of personality, humanities, spirit, organization, leadership, development, reward, etc."
This section provides important information regarding the many views and concepts regarding psychoanalysis. The explanation of the said theoretical approach will then be identified in many ways in relation to both management and marketing. It is of great significance to understand the underlying definitions and meaning of each concept in order to further discuss the psychoanalytical perspectives of management and marketing.
Many studies have already been laid regarding the theory on psychoanalysis. This view is organized by one of the founding fathers of psychology and an eminent figure in the same field as well, Sigmund Freud. He believed that all human beings are born with “instincts”. According to him, the human beings undergone certain stages in life summarized in the pre-oedipal stage: oral stage, anal stage and phallic stage. He also underscores the center of the theory which is the Oedipus complex, until the peak of the ego, id and super-ego. Freud regards the id as impulses from the biological, inherited, unconscious source of sexual drives, instincts and irrational factors. From the concept of the id comes out the ego, which is said to develop by interaction of an exterior dimension, as produced by non-biological factors like the social and familial influences. The ego serves as an arbitrator between the id, super-ego and reality, working-out the respective urges and desires each represent. The last aspect of Freud’s psychoanalysis structure is the super-ego, which is commonly called as the conscience. The super-ego is also unconscious but more likely withhold the ego’s view on what is right and what is wrong.
On the other hand, management has various categories and classifications. Many however, wrongly associate marketing to advertising, promotions, public relations or publicity. Marketing, as defined by McNamara, is highly involved in various activities that are primarily concern of assuring the customer’s needs are being provided and at the same time achieving the value of return; and it also focuses o