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日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1492
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201412181057459416 论文字数:2091 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:加拿大 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay




The SWOT analysis from DATAMONITOR shows that Harley-Davidson, Inc. has strengths in having a strong market position and brand image; they maintain a wide range of marketing and distribution networks, have kept a high inventory turnover ratio. Harley gets their strong market position from having the largest share of the US heavyweight motorcycle market since 1986. Their strong and unique image brand come from their products being marketed under multiple brands such as Harley, Blast and Riders Edge. This has enabled them to reach a wide range of people; from buyers to new investors.

This leads into their next strength of wide marketing and distribution networks. In the US, Harley-Davidson sells their products through a network made up of approximately 686 independently –owned full service Harley-Davidson dealerships. Out of that 686, 306 of them are combined Harley-Davidson and Buell dealerships. In Europe, they have 5 independent distributors and 383 independent dealerships. Of that 383, 56 are Harley-Davidson only dealerships, 323 of those dealerships are combination dealerships and 4 of them are Buell only dealerships. Harley even has distribution networks in the Asia/Pacific area and Latin America. This all has built a strong network base for Harley that helps them meet the demand for their products in multiple regions in a cost-efficient way.

This all can factor into why they have such a high inventory turnover ratio. Because their turnover ratio is significantly higher than their competitors this reduces the exposure of the company to inventory obsolescence due to rapid technological changes occurring in the automotive industry. This all signifies the efficient management of the inventory by the company. Overall from these strengths I would say that they are lasting ones that have obviously been working for this company well and has allowed them to expand their reach across the world.

The DATAMONITOR SWOT analysis shows Harley-Davidson weaknesses being that they are weakening in financial performance and having unfunded employee post retirement benefits. In the fiscal year of 2008 it was recorded by Harley that the revenues of the company had declined at a CARC (compound annual rate of change) of 2% from $6,185.6 million in FY 2006 to $5,971.3 million in FY 2008. A 2.3% decline was found in all of the key business segments and 9.4 % decline in financial services. This situation has of course causes investors to consider pulling their support.

On top of this, it is mentioned that Harley-Davidson has a significant unfunded pension obligations. The unpredictability of financial market led to this decline in pension fund asset values. These obligations have forced the company to make regular cash contributions to bridge the gap between pension assets and liabilities. This causes pressure to be put on the liquidity position of the company. These weaknesses are factors that management needs rectify as soon as possible for if their financial performance does not start increase they could not only lose investors they could start losing what makes them strong such as their strong market position. However the fact that they are having to use cash to keep the employee retirement benefits is possibly just as critical for they are putting themselves in a position where a lot of their funds will be tied up and not easily liquidated if necessary. There should be something in the strategy to find a new source of funds for both issues.

The DATAMONITOR SWOT analysis shows Harley-Davidson opportunities are launching new models and growing global motorc