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case study 范文

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201412010822254953 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3065
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201412101056379766 论文字数:6028 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:爱尔兰 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
rs, academicians and scholars. According to the research question, two propositions have been proposed:

R.P 1: The Nigerian private sector needs an available model to thrive.

R.P 2: The ways to ensure that the Nigerian Government’s monopolistic controls are ineffective on the private sectors initiatives

研究目的 Purpose of study
Research Objectives: The extensive purpose of the research is to form a baseline for further research, primarily to investigate and discover the current state of business within Nigeria, review published suggestions improvement, and consider those suggestions in light of historical relevance within other developing countries. Furthermore, other component of the study will also look into an available model that will stabilize the private sector of Nigeria and ways to render the Government’s monopolistic controls ineffective on the private sectors initiatives.

The study developed from the researcher's interest to comprehend and know why private business is not thriving in Nigeria. According to the research problem, states that the Nigerian governments, in their attempts to ensure an ideal corporate structure, have eliminated the ability of private business to grow and thrive, thus chocking out the country's private sector. However, the Nigeria government made an effort to employ their various public services programmes. But there were accusation and constant criticism about the quality of public service. In as much as there are persuasive facts that privatization is possible and capable of injecting drive into the prior economies, just a minimal of nations in the sub- Saharan Africa have made impact in privatizing their State owned enterprise. However undesirable low levels of success in the implementation of privatization exist in Africa.

Nevertheless, while an obtainable body of study is on the verge of giving accounts to imperative insights in the irregular situations of Nigeria as a case study, recent study depicts insufficiency. Thus research on privatization in Nigeria is still on the minimal level. Bala (1994) and Jerome (2002) gave important studies on this, focusing on the rationale for privatization in Nigeria. Inclusive, research work on operational performance privatized organizations are in their infant stage (Jerome, 2004; Beck et al., 2005). The research will look into the gap in the literature. Furthermore, the research would give insights into the future improvement, also recommendation of available model to help stabilize the private sector initiatives and correcting drawback rooted in the previous enterprise.

研究方法 Research methodology
Research Approach: Since the research interest will be focused on privatization and enterprise performance in Nigeria the research will be conducted first and foremost, to gain insight into the current conditions of business. The study also reviewed all available publications on the topic, as well as utilizes a case study approach as a research design.

Gummesson, (2000), posit that the concept of case study is becoming a suitable scientific instrument in management study precisely on obtaining “an in-depth comprehension of the mecha