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分析亚洲女性的case study

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201412010822254953 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1323
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201412061900581957 论文字数:2944 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper

分析亚洲女性的case study





The paper presents the worldview of Asian women whom the world perceive to lack any yearning for change in their lives or in their society in general. The question is how the world views the Asian elderly women: it is due to unawareness or being uneducated. This statement is not in support of women limited responsibilities, but is due to refusal to change by Asian women from their customary gender responsibilities. Most of these women ignore the significances of having proper education and the prospective presented to them to advance their lives and the world’s perception. During the research, most men are regretful for their ignorance to attain education like reading and writing.

Possibly the women lack of interest in education is because it was not part of them from the start (Abbas, 2003). They view themselves as beings with a role to compliment their husbands and have children. If education had been introduced earlier in their lives, when they were young may be there could be a difference after all. Most of elderly Asian women are Muslims and they embrace the culture of wearing head scarves referred to as hijab (Damji &Lee, 2005). These women believe that any woman who is not covering her head is immoral. There have been a heated debate over the wearing of hijab in different countries specifically France (Abbas, 2003).

Statement of the problem

Most Asian women who are elderly are perceived to be uneducated whose work is to act like servants to their husbands. These women did not have formal education and because of this, the world recognizes them as illiterates. Most of these women while growing up followed the culture where men were the superiors. They would marry at young ages of around thirteen and above.

In Asian, a woman is a symbol of household. She is not allowed to even be a leader.

Objectives of the study

The objectives of this research are to find out how the Asian women are recognized by the world generally and how they take these perceptions.

Methodology for solving the problem

The Asian women voices need to be paid attention to and understood through their personal tales. In an effort to listen to their experiences and understand their gender insights, I interviewed older Asian women from different backgrounds. Though my focus was on gender insights, I knew there were other factors that influenced them in their lives like race, traditions, and customs. I included all these factors in my research to help me understand the women identity.

Data collection

I employed the open-ended questions in my interviews with the Asian women. This allowed my participants to provide flowing ideas and construct their narratives. My interviews commenced with a questionnaire, which inquired about the place of birth, date of birth, and the differences they find about the current world, the kind of shelter they lived in, what they missed about their early lives and their advice to young girls. T o give the women moment to reflect, I presented them with interview queries before a one-on one interview. I used about five to six hours on each woman and taped the conversation.

All the women preferred the interview to employ their native language because they could not understand any other language. Once the information was gathered, copies were made. After the transcription, I read the transcripts from the interviews and made highlights on the information allied to my research. The accumulated data was then split to different categories for analysis. In order to tell the participants perceptive, I decided to use their quotes. I real