
Philosophical background theory X, Y, Z-600字英国International Cross Culture专业优秀范文

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1331
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201207091724007332 论文字数:600 所属栏目:跨文化交际论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:作业/作文 composition

本文主要从对Philosophical background theory分析,由帮写留学生论文中心策划组提供。是英文语种、International Cross Culture研究方向、不需要数据处理的硕士课程论文,不需要盲审(博士或硕士生有这个需要),如有需求请联系本站论文购买中心或者提交相关文章的帮写需求。


Philosophical background theory X, Y, Z

The researches about the cross-cultural leadership mainly concentrated on the end of last century. In this period, In Europe and America, the academic circle started a wave of research on the cross-cultural leadership.
Through summarizing the predecessors' research results, Russell (1978) summarized 70 latitudes to the success abroad, and put forward the 21 latitude which had key roles to the success of expatriates. However, these factors are for some certain positions, http://www.51lunwen.org/sixiangzhexue/2010/0715/lw201007151443188700.html such as the adaptability of the spouse, opportunities for promotion, interest of local culture and so on. Harris and Moran (1987) was more focused on intercultural communication, and they considered that the factors promoting the cross-cultural communication included empathetic, open, unremitting, the sensitivity for cross-cultural factors and so on
Srinivas (1995) defined eight kinds of elements of global thinking ability, and he considered that these elements could let multinational management personnel to adapt to the different culture and effectively make the ability of cross-cultural management. The eight kinds of elements are respectively: attention to scene, accepting complex and conflict, diversification sensitivity, looking for opportunities in an accident, the loyalty to organizations, focusing on continuous improvement, the time sense of development and ability of systematic analysis abilities. Moran and Riesenberger (1994) thought that multinational managers should have globalization thinking skills, be able to equally communicate with the persons who have different cultural background and have the Long-term idea to http://www.51lunwen.org/sixiangzhexue/ promote the transformation of the organization, e t. [Spitzberg, B.H. ,2000]

Johnston, Howard J. 2008, International leadership in cross-cultural environments:
     The relationship between national culture and corporate culture as it pertains to
     work ethic and corporations, Capella University, 131 pages

Jokinen, T. ,2005, ‘Global leadership competencies: a review and discussion’, Journal
     of European Industrial Training, Vol. 29 No.3, pp. 199-216.

John R. Schermerhorn, Michael Harris Bond,1997,"Cross-cultural leadership
     dynamics in collectivism and high power distance settings", Leadership &
     Organization Development Journal, Vol. 18 Iss: 4 pp. 187 - 193

Kets de Vries, M.F.R. & Florent-Treacy, E. 2002, “Global leadership from A to Z:
     creating high commitment organizations”, Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 295
     No. 309, pp. 1-16.

Marcus W. Dicksona, Deanne N. Den Hartogb &Jacqueline K. Mitchelson,
     2003,Research on leadership in a cross-cultural context: Making progress, and
     raising new questions, The Leadership Quarterly 14 (729–768

Spitzberg, B.H. ,2000, A model of intercultural communication competence, in
     Samovar, L. and Porter, R. (Eds), Intercultural Communication: A Reader,
     Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA, pp. 375-87.
