

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:5018
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201309031650038513 论文字数:1700 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

The final paper assignment is designed to help you to develop further your analytical skills and to provide opportunity to acquire a more detailed knowledge of a very specific research area. It should parallel a Journal of Personality and Social Psychology article in form and style (also see the APA publication manual), with the exception that there will be no www.51lunwen.org/dxlxszy/ results and discussion sections. The paper should include the following sections: title page, abstract, introduction, method, references and appendix. Note that JPSP articles often consist of a series of two or three experiments, reflecting a systematic approach to research and often developing a process understanding of the phenomenon of interest. Your paper can model such a multiple-study article. I will retain the submitted copy of your final paper but comments on it will be available for inspections. 

Below you can find information about how to write this paper. We will further discuss how to write APA style papers either in class or on a conference call. Each student is responsible to get an approval on the final paper topic from the instructor. You must take the initiative to contact the instructor via email and get her approval before April 10th.

Final papers are due May 5th at noon. You will post a copy on the Moodle site, also bring a hardcopy to the class on May 6th. Absolutely no late papers will be accepted without a written medical excuse. 
How to write the final paper

The final paper assignment is designed to help you to develop further your analytical skills and to provide opportunity to acquire a more detailed knowledge of a very specific research area. It should parallel a scientific journal article in form and style (also see the APA publication manual), except that you will not write results and discussion sections. I will retain the submitted copy  of your final paper but comments on it will be available for inspections. 

The idea of this paper should focus on some “why” questions. You must always translate your ideas into a research plan, describing in a general way the procedure for how you would go about exploring the issues you raise. Details about number or type of subjects, statistical procedures, etc., ordinarily are not important for this paper.

The paper should consist of the following sections:


Including appropriate title, short title, page number, running head, your name, date, and your university.


Typically between 100-150 words. The abstract should inform the reader as to the nature of the topic area, the purpose, the hypothesis (es), the variables, the methodology, the type of participants tested, the results found, and the principal conclusions and implications. 


The body of the paper should open with an introduction that presents the specific problem, question or critique that you want to address. Introduce the idea, the problem or the question that is addressed in the paper. Before writing the paper, consider

    - What is the point of this paper?
- How does the theory relate to the problem under investigation?
- What are the theoretical implications of the paper? (This is especially important because when you write this paper, you must refer to a theory that is under cover.)

A good paper answers these questions in a paragraph or two, and by summarizing the relevant argument, gives the reader a firm sense of what is the purpose and the topic of the paper and why that specific topic was chosen.

2. Develop a background about the theory that is discussed in the paper, but don’t include an exhaustive historical review. Just 1 or 2 paragraphs will work. 

3. State your purpose and rationale. After you have introduced the problem, you are in a position to