To what extent do you agree that an L2 learner may resort to his L1 contextual knowledge to aid his L2 performance? Give evidence to support your argument.
Chapter I Introduction
Introduce the impact of mother language on second language acquisition.
Chapter II Literature review
Present relevant researches on the impact of mother language on the performance of second language acquisition, including positive transfer and negative transfer.
Chapter III Methodology
Introduce research methods, using questionnaire to explore the impact of mother language on second language acquisition.
The questionnaire will be divided into two groups: one is the Chinese students who learn Japanese, the other the Chinese students who learn English.
Chapter IV Finding and Analysis
As Chinese and Japanese belong to the same phylum, www.51lunwen.orgChinese students’ learning Japanese reflects the characteristics of positive transfer.
As Chinese and English belong to the different phylum, Chinese students’ learning English reflects the characteristics of negative transfer.
Chapter V Conclusion
Provide recommendation on how to avoid the negative transfer of mother language.