Notwithstanding the gains in women’s advancement to senior leadership roles in higher education institutions in Ghana, certain gendered trends remain troubling. Over the years Majority of women academics in higher education are mostly found in middle management positions, (Addai-Buobu, 2013; Adu-oppong, Aikins & Darko, 2017). Women are a minority in terms of statistical visibility at the top of leadership of the colleges of education in Ghana, both as administrators and lecturers. During this past decade, the percentage of female upgrading themselves rose from almost 40 percent to over 80 percent yet females within the colleges cannot boost of even half the percentage of increase in marginal roles and responsibilities both academic and administrative ranks (NCTE, 2019). This development raises serious concerns as to whether higher education institutions are being as supportive as they could be in elevating women academics to senior leadership roles.