

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3694
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw200701021226341645 论文字数:43198 所属栏目:教育管理论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
论文题目:学校道德教育:现代性的批判与建构 摘 要 现代社会是一个道德相对贫乏、危机四伏的时代,社会伦理道德表现为客观的道德规范体系。学校道德教育则囿于普遍道德标准的授受,忽视复杂多元的道德情境、学生的情感体验与创造自由,成了空洞的理论说教和道德灌输,导致学校道德教育低效,学生道德素质低下。反省当前的道德教育现状,一个重要的维度就是立足于广阔的人类文化背景,汲取并利用丰富的人类文化资源,扩大德育视野,改革道德教育。本文的写作目的就在于此:挖掘现代学校道德教育所展现的道德教育价值与意义,提出学校道德教育需进行现代性的批判与建构。全文共分为三个部分: 第一部分,现代性及其反思。首先阐述了现代性的概念及其基本特征,紧接着从理论的角度描述了现代性给道德教育所带来的影响,最后简单说明了现代性给学校道德教育带来的一些问题。 第二部分,转型期学校道德教育面临的问题及出路。在对现代社会道德生活嬗变特点分析的基础上,明确了学校道德教育的问题和现状,以及现代道德教育所解决不了的问题。 第三部分,中国道德教育现代性的分析及其建构。分析了当前中国教育的现代性,并提出了道德教育重新建构的主要观点和基本原则,以及具体的建构措施。 关键词:现代性;道德教育;批判;建构 Abstract The modern society underlined by objective rationality and mechanistic viewpoint is characterized by relative shortness of morality and permeated crisis, in which social ethics and morality embody a static and close moral norms system. Mora; education in school is constrained to the instillation of universal rules and norms which ignores the real moral situation, students’ experience and creativity. Moral education eventually has become the abstract inculcation that makes moral education less effective and moral quality of students poorer. One important dimension for us to resolve these existent problems is to base moral education on a broad human cultural context from which we can draw rich cultural resources to improve moral education and enlarge our insight in it. The paper is intended to do so. That is, the author will explore the moral implication postmodern ethics has displayed and open a new vision for both theoretical and practical moral education. The whole paper is divided into three sections: The first part: Modernity and reviewing. Having explained the concept of modernity and essential feature at first, and then has described modernity for the influence brought of moral education in terms of theory, stated some questions that modernity brings to moral education of the school briefly finally. The second part: Problem and outlet faced in moral education of the school in transformation period. On the basis of the thing that it is analyzed that the transmutation characteristic lives to the modern social morals , have defined the question of moral education of the school and current situation , and the modern problem solved of moral education. The third part: Analysis and building constructing of China's moral education modernity. Have analyzed the modernity of present Chinese education, and has put forward moral education and built main view and basic principle constructed again, and the concrete one builds the measure of constructing. Key word: Modernity,Moral education,Criticism,construct