
Business Assignment范文:Strategies for Effective Succession Planning

日期:2022年11月18日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1560
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202211182344009747 论文字数:4500 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
Finally, the succession plan must belong “to the organization” and not to the HR department in order to make sure it has the attention it deserves.( Tom Bartridge, 2005)
Any succession planning will be organized to integrate all its components and emphasizes the internal development of existing employees in the organization. (Rothwell, 2005a)
A succession planning starts from preparation. The first priority in the preparation is deciding members of succession planning team. This group will determine the scope of the entire project by formulating how many levels of management will be concluded.
Here is an overview of the basic steps of the succession planning process:
Preparation 准备工作
Get commitment  获得承诺
Assess the organization.评估组织
Determine key positions.确定关键位置
Identify competencies for key positions.确定关键职位的能力
Identify and assess candidates.识别和评估候选人
Create development plans.制定发展计划
Measure, monitor, report, and revise.测量、监控、报告和修订
Preparation 准备工作         
A succession planning starts from preparation. The first priority in the preparation is deciding members of succession planning team. This group will determine the scope of the entire project by formulating how many levels of management will be concluded.
Get commitment 获得承诺
No succession planning program can operate without managers and employees at all levels totally understanding why a succession program is needed. At the same time, executives, managers, supervisors and employees must clearly understand their role in the program. Organization should also link strategic and workforce planning decisions connect succession planning to the needs and interests of senior leaders. (William J. Rothwell, 2007)
Assess the organization 评估组织
During this step, constitutors should assess current problems and practices or organization, what’s situation around organization and analyze the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) of organization. What’s more, they will analyze present work requirements and individual performance to get overview of organization.
Determine key positions. 确定关键位置
Decisions makers should analyze the “gaps” by determining current supply and anticipated demand. They should check whether the positions arrangement is reasonable and what modification should be done to make the operation more efficient. At the same time, future conditions should be considered, whether the organization needs some new positions to meet the changes in the future.
Identify competencies for key positions. 确定关键职位的能力
In this stage decision makers identify core competencies and technical competency requirements of those key positions, they align the organization’s strategic objectives with the work and competencies need to realize those objectives. At the same time, they will identify the future work requirements and individual potential. The future will not necessarily be like the past. The organization’s future requirements should be driven down to each level, job and function. The result should be expected future j