
Assignment范文:Exit Voice Loyalty Neglect Model

日期:2018年02月13日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1503
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201705190924477510 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
hane 2006, 119). Employees who have worked at an organisation for a lengthy period of time, and who can identify with that organisation, will generally use the voice option and speak out about their dissatisfaction (McShane 2006, 118; Withey & Coopers 1989, 522). This is also the case where employees cannot easily resign or transfer, or decrease their productivity without the fear of retribution (Rusbult et al. 1988, 619). Finally, where an employee feels as though they have overinvested in an organisation, they may engage in lazy or neglectful behaviours and decrease their 'organisational citizenship' behaviour (Farrell 1983, 601).

Personal Reflection 个人反思
In a previous workplace, I experienced serious job dissatisfaction which was followed by a series of behavioural changes. The organisation I was working for had lost a number of major clients, and had faced serious staff turnover issues, and as a result was experiencing significant financial distress. My manager had become extremely stressed and was struggling to remain calm. He would take his stress out on me on a constant basis, and his behaviour became increasingly destructive. He had a very short temper and would often shout and yell abusive words. His performance expectations of me increased unrealistically, and he began to criticise the smallest of deviations from the norm. He would confront me (and others) publically, in a way that was both demeaning and humiliating. This was followed by a pay cut of over twenty-five percent, which I felt was inequitable and unjustified. I became extremely dissatisfied and de-motivated, and whilst I would usually opt to speak out about my concerns, I had no option to do so as my manager was self-righteous and was not interested in receiving constructive criticism or complaints. Somewhat subconsciously, I became extremely unmotivated and the energy that I put into performing my work had significantly decreased. I expressed 'neglectful' behaviour, as my output levels had decreased, as had the general quality of my work (Farrell & Rusbult 1992, 207). Furthermore, I began to speak about my problems to fellow employees, but would not confront my manager about the issues. Consistent with studies on counterproductive 'voice' behaviour, this was a form of me using my voice in a highly destructive way (Withey & Coopers 1989, 530). In line with studies on negative loyalty behaviours and the exiting response, I did not leave my job immediately as I could not find another job immediately (and I wanted have a given number of months' experience on my resume), however I resigned as soon as another job became available (Rusbult et al 1998, 600). In hindsight, my dissatisfied work experience had a negative effect on me individually, my co-workers and on the organisation as a whole.

Recommendations 建议
It is clear that employee responses to job dissatisfaction have direct implications on organisational productivity and effectiveness (Leck & Saunders 2005, 219). Constructive responses such as trying to improve working conditions, improving job satisfaction and improving management approaches value-add to an organisation as they aid in decreasing job dissatisfaction on the organisational level (McShane 2006, 120; Naus 2007, 689). In contrast, destructive approaches such as resigning, absenteeism, decreased productivity, decreased quality control or psychological withdrawal can adversely affect the individual, their fellow workers, the quality of output material, and the organisation as a whole (Naus 2007, 690; Farrell & Rusbult 1992, 215). Understanding employee behaviour is an all-important task for managers as it can allow them to curb those behaviours that are disruptive to the