

日期:2018年03月29日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1570
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201610091341289947 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment



External debt or Foreign Aid is thought an important source of income for developing countries. Pakistan has relied much on external debt to finance and for investment purposes. The dependence on external resources became uncontrollable in the 1970s. The prime objective of the paper is to explore the relationship between external debt and economic growth in Pakistan. I took a glance of external debt and economic performance of Pakistan from 1947 to till now. This paper shows that External Debt is negatively related to the economic growth of Pakistan. The evidence highlights that an increase in Foreign aid will lead to decline in economic growth. Debt servicing has also significant impact on growth rate. As the debt servicing tends to higher, there will be fewer chances of economic growth.

Keywords: Economic Growth, External Debt, Debt Servicing

Introduction 简介
Accumulation in debt stock has been the prime problem faced by both developing and developed countries. Developing countries face this problem more often as they need to borrow to facilitate their development process and accelerate the growth pace. However, the borrowed funds required to be allocated properly for the productive expenditures and in accordance to their repayment ability. Though debt is useful for the growth of the economy however dependence on debt must be closely monitored and proper strategy should be adopted for enhancing the repayment capability of the country. Besides, due to the less availability of funds for financing and higher in taxes for repayment, hampers growth that results in shrinking of the repayment capacity of debt. It also leads towards crowding out effect as well as has negative impact on the foreign as well as on domestic investment and developmental plans of the government.

The external debt exerts significantly negative impact on growth of country economy. This assured the existence of debt overhanging in Pakistan in both long and short run. Labour force affect GNP negatively in long run and short run as well, but in short run impact is insignificant. Pakistan faces serious debt problem, which threaten the future of the country economy. Burden of external debt and debt servicing have continued to grow over time.

Economic reforms process is a clear progression towards the deregulation for the growth economy. Petroleum products, gas, energy, agricultural commodities and other key inputs prices are mostly determined by markets. More importantly, taxation reforms have been prominently on the government's agenda, with no real reforms undertaken. 

There are three main indicators of debt burden as;

Export Receipts: It measures the ability of debt repayment and creditworthiness of a country. According to the World Bank Report, when debt of a country go beyond 20% of its export earnings then its debt becomes uncontrollable.

Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEE): This is another important indicator of indebtness of a country.

Growth Domestic Product (GDP): This determines the burden of debt burden on the country's income. As Debt service to GDP ratio goes up, increase in the burden. As a research by Nagassam C.A, (2005) employed a model and highlighted that higher the debt service ratio will be, the lower the GDP will be and it will create constraint for external debt capacity of nations.

Fiscal as well as real sectors of the economy are strongly linked to public and foreign aid through economic variables. But, it appears that it turns out that the deficiency in savings and its effects on the