1.2 Research Question
The research advances some innovations in the following two aspects: The research takes Chery Automobile as an example, uses the method of combining theory with practice, draws lessons from the comparative analysis of market environment, combines qualitative and quantitative analysis with 4P and 4R theory, and carries out a detailed and systematic analysis of Middle East automobile market environment. Based on the relevant theories of marketing, internationalization strategy and economics, this research puts forward the marketing strategies of Chinese automobile manufacturers in the Middle East market, and then puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the Middle East automobile market from different perspectives. However the main question informing this current study is essential for the full understanding of the results and its impact in the Middle East. It therefore suffices to say that it is anticipated that these questions properly position the research boundary.
(1) Does marketing strategy influence the entry and survival of Chinese automobile companies in the Middle East?
(2) What informs internationalization market planning prior to the entry of Chinese automobile enterprises into the Middle East?
(3) Does the environmental factors of the Middle East impact on the presence and operations of Chinese automobile enterprises in the Middle East?
Chapter 2 Research Theory and Hypotheses
2.1 Internationalization Management Theory
Johnson and Varney put forward the theory of the stage of enterprise internationalization. They believed that the development of enterprise must take the road of internationalization at the stage of its development. They analyzed the reasons for the development of enterprise internationalization from the perspective of enterprise internationalization growth. In general, Chery’s international operation route is a gradual process, which goes through four stages in the process of entering the Middle East market: the irregular export stage, the export stage through agents, the establishment of overseas sales subsidiaries, and the overseas production and manufacturing stage [44].
According to the theory of natural born globalization, natural born international enterprises do not follow the traditional stage and develop gradually in the international market. As early as 1988, Johnson and Mattson