

日期:2020年12月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1333
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202012242148541050 论文字数:49899 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Background of the research

According to the New Curriculum Standard for Senior High School (2017),English writing is becoming more and more important in English language learning.Due to the influence of long-term traditional teaching modes, for one thing, as forteachers, they pay more attention to the scores of English compositions rather than theprocess of English writing. Although teachers try their best to do some input beforewriting, such as: ask students to recite some advanced sentences structures and modelessays, impart some writing skills and enlarge students’ vocabulary. However, itseems that writing is still a stumbling block of English learning among students. Foranother thing, for students, most of them spend a large amount of time in practicingEnglish writing, unfortunately, only few of them can make great progress, and whatquite a few students care most is the score, they usually ignore written feedback fromtheir teachers, worse still, they even don’t think seriously why they make lots of errorsand what useful experience they can acquire from the writing practice. As we all know,compared with listening, speaking, and reading, writing is a complex and creativeprocess with long-term accumulation for students to master. It’s nearly the hardest thing for most of learners, even for the native speakers, it’s also difficult to produce apiece of high-quality composition (Nunan, 2001). Especially for Chinese students, itis vital to improve their English writing proficiency.


1.2 Purpose and significance of the research

When it comes to the writing, it’s an essential for English teachers to providewritten feedback, and effective feedback information will bring a great impact for theaccuracy and fluency in students’ writing.

The research results of this study can be viewed as a reference for researches tosurvey in senior high school in the near future. This study chooses some teachers andstudents from the No.1 Senior High School of Chayouzhongqi as the subjects toinvestigate the current status and corresponding responses, and a number of studentsof this high school come from rural areas, which have a greater need for writtenfeedback. What’s more, it is mainly conducted through a sample analysis of students’compositions, so it is even more worthy of studying compared with previous studies,which is conducive to English writing teaching and students’ writing proficiency.

In terms of students’ actual needs and expectations, teachers should have a deepand detailed understanding of each student’ actual learning level, and according toZPD theory, selecting more appropriate and effective types of written feedback foreach student. In addition, the meaningful bidirectional communication and interactionshould be conducted between teachers and students, making sure that students arebold enough to ask teachers for help in the face of some difficulties of writing. In this way, teachers can gain more insights into English writing teaching.


Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 Core concepts

In order to have a basic understanding of teacher written feedback, it is essentialto have a perception of basic concepts on English writing.

2.1.1The definition of teacher written feedback

In EFL classroom teaching, teacher written feedback is that teachers give theirsuggestions or guidance to students’ errors in their compositions from the perspectiveof readers. Zhang Qiuhui (2008) thought that written feedback is that teachers conveysome written feedback information to guide or promote students’ English learning. Amore specific description of this term was given by Keh (1990) in terms of writingprocess, he defined that the written feedba