To sum up, as a kind of effective method, it refers to the written information oferror correction and comments from English teachers, which is helpful for students torevise their compositions. Of course, the modification of students’ compositionsdepends on whether they can understand the feedback information, so meaningfulcommunication and interaction between teachers and students is very important,which contributes greatly to the improvement of students’ writing proficiency.
2.2 Theoretical basis
In order to make written feedback play a greater role in English writing tostudents, the following three theories will give some implications to English teachers,including Zone of Proximal Development, Interaction Hypothesis Theory andAttention Hypothesis Theory.
2.2.1 Zone of Proximal Development Theory
Vygotsky (1962), the one of well-known psychologists, his ZPD theory, zone of proximal development, refers to the layer of skill or knowledge just beyond what thelearner is currently capable of coping. He also expressed that adults and peers canhelp children solve their learning problems to some extent. Now ZPD makes a greatdifference in the field of language education. The definition is that “the distancebetween the actual developmental level as determined by independent problemsolving (without guided instruction) and the level of potential development asdetermined through problem solving with the help of adults’ guidance or peers’cooperation”. It means that potential development is achieved with the help of adults’guidance and peers’ cooperation, those difficult problems will be handled bythemselves independently because the problem solving activities are internalizedgradually.
Chapter III Research Methodology................................16
3.1 Research questions............................... 16
3.2 Research subjects...........................17
3.3 Research instruments........................18
Chapter IV Results and Discussion.............................21
4.1.1 Students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards written feedback..............21
4.1.2 Students’ and teachers’ preference for written feedback.....24
Chapter V Conclusion.................................61
5.1 Major findings....................... 61
5.2 Implications of this study.............................62
Chapter IV Results and Discussion
4.1 The current status of teacher written feedback on students’writing
The first research question on the current status of teacher written feedback onstudents’ writing, which was analyzed from four dimensions from the perspective ofteachers and students, such as: attitudes, preferences, components and types of theteacher written feedback. Item 1- item 21 of students’ questionnaire, item1- item 21 aswell as item 24-item 25 of the teachers’ questionnaire were designed for the first threedimensions. What’s more, the first question of interviews and a sample analysis ofstudents’ compositions were analyzed and discussed for the last dimension.
4.1.1 Students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards written feedback
In the students’ questionnaire, item 1-4 was about senior high school students’viewpoints and attitudes towards English writing, the research results were shown in Table 4-1.
Chapter V Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
This study lasted two months, an elaborate sample analysis based on types ofwritten feedback in students’ 600 compositions, containing the current status andstudents’ actual reaction after receiving written feedback which were investigate