First of all, students’ overall attitudes towards English writing deserve teachers’attention. Although they realize the importance of English writing, almost a third ofstudents are not sure whether they have an interest in it. What’s worse, many studentsare less confident in writing among three grades (M=2.93, M=3.17, M=3.19). As akind of guidance and communicative tool, students hope that it can help themcultivate confidence and interests. It also manifests that students long fornon-corrective feedback to a large extent.
Secondly, concerning the focus of teachers’ written feedback, grammar andvocabulary account for the highest percentage, which means that teachers put toomuch emphasis on the accuracy of grammar and vocabulary, while the importance ofcontent is always ignored. As is shown in students’ compositions, there are 163(N=600) compositions that are provided comments on contents, which only occupies27.2%. And in the students’ questionnaire, teachers tend to give more comments oncontents to senior three students, which occupies 67.1%, but senior one students and senior two students usually get more form-focused feedback from teachers.
Thirdly, a majority of teachers (M=4.35) would like to give specific comments inthe questionnaire survey (N=20), however, a part of students express that somecomments are given by teachers with a general way through interviews and there is noexplanation of reasons for errors and learning methods, such as: comments of positivefeedback, content-focused feedback, and suggestions of future work for improvement.Its results are consistent with a sample analysis of students’ compositions.