

日期:2018年07月25日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4723
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201807242232033397 论文字数:37485 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文格式 Paper format


1. 简介

本文以计算机英语和传统的以纸张和笔书写的英语进行比对,语言测试是评估学习者的一种重要手段,随着计算机的广泛应用,Among them arethe TOEFL CBT by Educational Testing Service and College English Test, the largestlanguage test in China, which had made its long-term plan on computer-based testreform. Language test witnesses an increasing change of test media with the tendencyof CBT to replace PBT. CBT is increasingly being viewed as a practical alternative toPBT. This influence also has been seen in the field of achievement test. In teachingactivities, achievement test is a very important procedure of teaching during four-yearundergraduate education. 
It can be a valuable tool for providing feedbacks on theeffectiveness of the teaching program itself. In the coming decades, CBT willcontinue to be more frequently used in assessment circles. The computer-basedEnglish majors’ Achievement test of Sichuan International Studies University hasbeen conducted under the above situation.New test method facets made possible by computer-based test administration,including modes of presentation, raise issues pertaining to construct validity (Green,1990). According to Sawaki (2001), in order to support construct validity ofcomputerized tests, the equivalence of paper-based and computer-based test modesmust be established from various direction. For example, to find out what extent arethe results of a PBLT comparable to those of its CBLT version and whether CBLTversion can be considered to have equal reliability or accuracy of measurement. Theseviews merit a more careful reconsidering of the issue of validity with respect to themode of administration, which is considered to reflect or simulate real world settingsmuch better than PBLT (Brown, 1997; Alderson, 1999; Dunkel, 1999). Thus, amultitude of comparability studies have been conducted on a variety of types of tests,typically to compare scores across computer and paper administrations of the samefixed-form multiple-choice tests. Many researchers subsequently devoted to the studyof equivalence or comparability of scores from CBLT and PBLT, and it has beenfound that measures obtained from tests delivered in the computer-based mode aresimilar to those obtained from the paper-based mode (Bergstrom, 1992; Boo andVispoel, 1998; Wang et al., 2001). A review of previous literature shows inconsistentconclusions of the comparability studies.
It is even more important to explore the equivalence of the two modes of testsince the results of these studies are inconsistent and the widespread use of computertechnology. Therefore, sufficient empirical data, which would allow researchers tolook into the CBT with regard to validity, reliability and fairness, are yet to beavailable. Moreover, many research studies related to CBT were conducted in othercountries, but such studies in China are mostly concentrated on College English Testand Oral test. Studies on achievement test are relatively lack. Therefore, it issignificant that some comparative studies related to CBT and PBT be conducted toverify those research reports in China. In a continuation of the discussion concerningpresent and future research on comparative study of computer-based and paper-basedtests in language test, the author of this paper conduct the empirical research in orderto collect fresh evidence for the equivalence of computer-based and paper-based test.

Chapter Two Literature Review文献回顾

The equivalence of computer-based and paper-based test forms must beestablished from various directions. In this section, the definition and classification oflanguage testing will be reviewed first. Then, this chapter introduces reliability andvalidity. This section will close with a focus on previous empirical studies of theequivalence of CBT and PBT at home and abroad.

2.1 Definition of Language Test 语言测试的定义
A test can be defined as “a method for measuring a person’s ability or kn