

日期:2018年03月28日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2719
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201708171624352100 论文字数:0 所属栏目:SCI论文发表
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title



   "经右胸小切口"如何表达?在google搜索框中输入“经右胸小切口”和right,得到through right minithoracotomy incision 这一说法,貌似正确。

   继续验证,在google学术的搜索框中输入"through right minithoracotomy incision",返回6个结果,根据作者的姓名判断,全部来自于中国人,于是考虑这一说法可能不地道。

   接下,在纯英文环境下进行验证。把这几个词拆开来搜。在google学术的搜索框中输入“right” 和“minithoracotomy”发现有很多含有 through right minithoracotomy 或through a right minithoracotomy的结果。于是分别搜 “through right minithoracotomy ” 和“through a right minithoracotomy ”,返回的结果数分别是96和296,且后者的结果中根据作者姓名判断,应该不乏英语母语人士。所以“through a right minithoracotomy ”应该是比较正确的说法。

   最后可能还会有一个困惑,即minithoracotomy怎么能和“胸小切口”对应?可在google中直接搜索该词,迅速得到相关解释:A minithoracotomy is an approximately 2-inch incision made between the ribs, eliminating the need for bones to heal postoperatively. 来源

   所以,“经右胸小切口”的比较地道的对应英文表达应该是 “through a right minithoracotomy”。可见google在翻译过程中为寻找到地道的表达起着举足轻重的作用!



   (1)Click on “Submission System” to register (the username and password are used in the inquiry of manuscript processing, so please remember them).

   (2)Click on“Submission System” to register. (The username and password are used in the inquiry of manuscript processing, so please remember them.)



   (1)Serum xxx level was significantly higher in group A than in group B.

   (2)The serum xxx level in group A was significantly higher than that in group B.

   (3)Group A had a significantly higher serum xxx level than group B.

   (4)Compared with group B, group A had a significantly higher serum xxx level.

   (5)Group A had a significantly higher serum xxx level compared with group B.


   是“measure the content of polysaccharide and pachymic acid”?还是“measure the contents of polysaccharide and pachymic acid”?答案是前者。因为content做含量讲时是不可数名词,而contents一般表示内容或内容物。类似的表达还有:measure the expression of A and B …,或者写成:measure the expression levels of A and B …

   当然,这句话也可以表示成:measure polysaccharide content and pachymic acid content …,这样意思也许更加清楚。

   不过amount是可数名词哦,可以表示成amounts of A and B …



   A 31 year old woman with no medical history of note presented with bilateral lower leg pain on running. The pain was absent when she started running; gradually built after the first kilometer, forcing her to stop; then resolved shortly after stopping. 

   We did a systematic review and meta analysis to estimate the efficacy of steroids for the prevention of mortality in all forms of tuberculosis, and to quantify heterogeneity in this outcome between affected organ systems. We searched the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group trials register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Medline, Embase, and LiteraturaLatino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) for studies published up to Sept 6, 2012, and checked reference lists of includedstudies and relevant reviews. We included all trials in people with tuberculosis in any organ system, with tuberculosis defined clinically ormicrobiologically. There were no restrictions by age, comorbidity, publication language, or type, dose, or duration of steroid treatment. We used the Mantel-Haenszel method to summarise mortality acrosstrials. 

   之前一个母语编辑也说过,论文中一段就阐述一个主题,一段话最理想的情况是3-4句话,最好不要超过5句话,段首是lead sentence,其余是subsequent sentences,针对lead sentences进行详细说明、举例子、补充说明,等等。

