

日期:2018年04月20日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:未知 点击次数:2944
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201804201629309140 论文字数:0 所属栏目:英语论文题目
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title

论文写作对于英语专业研究生非常重要。它代表作者的科学研究水平,通常可以分为三部分:开始,正文,结尾。开始部分涉及标题页,签名页,英文摘要,中文摘要,致谢,目录,表格列表,图表列表; 正文部分包含五个主题:引言,文献综述,方法论,结果与讨论,结论; 结尾部分包含两个主题:一个是引用,另一个是附录。

标题页是论文的第一页。 它应该为读者提供以下信息:论文的标题,撰写论文的大学,论文作者以及论文完成时的内容。标题应该清楚而简短,它必须描述作者所关注的研究。


摘要是作者研究的摘要,应该是连贯的,并提供包括以下几个方面的信息:研究目的,研究问题需要解决的问题,涉及的主题,用于收集数据的工具,收集程序 并分析数据,结果和结论。 中文摘要作为英文摘要很重要,通常是为不擅长英文阅读的高级别委员会成员编写的。 在一定程度上,中文摘要的质量决定了作者取得研究生学位的成败。 所以作者应该花很多时间在中文摘要上,就像他/她在英文摘要上一样。

Thesis writing is very important for a graduate student of English major. It represents the author’s level of scientific research which usually can be divided into three parts—beginning, body and ending. The beginning part involves title page, signature page, abstract in English, abstract in Chinese, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures; the body part contains five topics which are introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions; the ending part contains two topics: one is references, the other is appendices.

The title page is the first page of the thesis. It should provide the readers with the following information: the title of the manuscript, at which university the thesis was written, by whom the thesis was written and when the thesis was finished. The title should be clear and brief which must describe the study the author focuses on.

The second page of the thesis is signature page where the author’s supervisor signature is very important without which the thesis would have not legally been submitted.

The abstract is a summary of the author’s study which should be coherent and provides information including the following aspects: the purpose of the study, the research questions to be addressed, the subjects involved, the instruments used to collect the data, the procedures for collecting and analyzing the data, the findings and the conclusions. The abstract in Chinese is important as the abstract in English, which is normally written for the members of the higher degree committee who are not good at reading in English. To some extent, the quality of the abstract in Chinese determines the author’s success or failure in obtaining a graduate degree. So the author should spend as much time on the abstract in Chinese as he/she does on the abstract in English.

The next page is about acknowledge where the author expresses his/her gratitude to the people who have offered help in the process of research and thesis writing. The people include such as the supervisor, the teachers and the classmates who once gave the author suggestions or advice on his/her research, persons who helped the author collect data and do proof-reading and so on. The best strategy to express the author’s thanks is to specify exactly why each person should be thanked and what the people to be thanked has done in the relation to the author’s research and thesis writing. The author should be sincere but he/she needn’t be over-modest otherwise it could make the readers think the author might be an incompetent researcher.

The following page is about the table of contents which lists the heading of the beginning, body and ending parts of the thesis. The beginning part which is marked by Roman numbers is different from the body and ending parts which are sequenced by Arabic numbers. The subheadings of each chapter in the body of the thesis are listed which show their different levels.

The last two topics in the beginning part of the thesis are listof tables where the tables in the thesis are put together and each table has a page number and list of figures in which all the figures inthe thesis have their page numbers. A table that must be a squareor a rectangle in which the author presents words and numbers in rows and columns is different from a figure that may refer to a graph, a chart or a diagram, or a picture.

The first topic of the body part is introduction that is short without many technical terms and that th