

日期:2018年01月25日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1623
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201708131757341260 论文字数:38596 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
;programs,  they  all  invariably  pay great  attention  to  Chinese/English  codeswitching  out  of  different  reasons,  ignoring Mandarin/dialect codeswitching.  The study mainly has the following purposes. Firstly, to find out the motivations which  trigger  Mandarin/dialect  codeswitching  and  explain  the  realization  of adaptation  process  in  dialectal  variety  shows.  Second,  to  discuss  the  pragmatic functions  of  Mandarin/dialect  codeswitching  performing  in  variety  shows.  Then,  to give  some  implications  to  program  makers  and  hosts  and  help  them  adjust  language style  and  employ  codeswitching  as  a  communicative  strategy.  Also,  the  study  will give us some inspirations of how to use codeswitching as a strategy to realize certain communicative goal in our daily life.  The  present  study  on  Mandarin/dialect  codeswitching  has  theoretical  and practical importance in the long run. First, the study expands the application range of adaptation theory and enriches the studies about Mandarin/dialect codeswitching. The convincing  explanatory  power  and  great  vitality  of  the  adaptation  theory  have  been proved.  Second,  a  pragmatic  research  about  Mandarin/dialect  codeswitching  will definitely  broaden  the  research  coverage,  attract  scholars’  attention  to  the  dialect  as well as deepen our understanding of this particular linguistic phenomenon.

Chapter Two Literature Review 

In  this  chapter,  definitions,  types  and  different  approaches  to  the  study  of codeswitching at home and abroad will be introduced. Besides, previous studies about Mandarin/dialect codeswitching will be briefly summarized.  

2.1 Definitions of Code and Codeswitching 
It is necessary to define the term “code” before making a study of codeswitching. There  is  no  recognized  definition  of  code  and  codeswitching  and  the  definition  is varied in line with scholars’ specific research purpose, different research method and the  unique  understanding  to  this  phenomenon.  Some  typical  definitions  and  the working definition of code and codeswitching are listed in this part.  In the book Introduction to Linguistics, Wardhaugh (1998:86) claims that “codes can  be  any  semiotic  system  which  people  used  for  communication;  it  can  be  a language,  a  dialect,  a  language  variety”.  Romaine  (1995:121)  says  that  “The  term code is a relatively neutral conceptualization of a linguistic variety—be it a language or  a  dialect,  it  is  a  certain  dialect  or  language  that  a  person  chooses  to  use  on  any occasions”.  Besides,  Hudson  (2000:22)  defines  variety  as  “a  set  of  linguistic  items with  similar  distribution”.  Hudson  (2000:22)  explains  that  term  “variety”  may  be used at different levels and the following can be