

日期:2022年07月03日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:562
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202206151037108809 论文字数:25666 所属栏目:英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
gnitive contextual vocabulary.


First understand that for business vocabulary and nomenclature, in the short term,interpreters are not expected to achieve the same understanding or familiarity as professionals within the industry. But when interpreters lack understanding in termsand are unfamiliar with the subject of communication, they would not be able tounderstand the source language and their confidence would be hindered ininterpretation(Hatim & Mason, 1990, p. 76). More importantly, during the process ofbusiness English interpretation, the appearance of unfamiliar words is bound tointerfere with the transmission of source language’s communicative information orclues, which consequently would hinder the manifestation of communicative intentionin the whole business English interpretation. And the business terms involved indifferent industries are different accordingly, therefore it is necessary for interpretersto learn the business language and terms in the certain industries where interpretationwork happen and find the equivalent expressions for the terms in interpretation. Orinterpreters need to understand the theoretic backgrounds of the related terms, so thatin ostensive - inferential interpreting communicative process interpreters can giveaddressees the right direct relevant stimulus. Only in this way can interpreters proceedwith the transmission of communicative information with the knowledge of specificterms.


The increasing development of international business and trade has raised higherand higher demands for business English interpretation. Business Englishinterpretation is a significant means of communication in international trade. However,business English interpretation differs from written business English translation in itsunique characteristics and it calls for higher standards for interpreters. Although thereis an increasing number of theories in business English interpretation so far, mostresearch findings concentrate on course books of business English interpretation andtalent development, or some process of it, such as business negotiation and culturalbarriers with limited theoretic support.

Rather, Relevance Theory presented by Sperber and Wilson as the theoreticfoundation of research in human communication holds strong explanatory power fortranslation and interpretation. Relevance Theory studies human cognitive andcommunicative process. From the perspective of Relevance Theory, translation is alsoa kind of cognitive communicative activity, thus they are compatible( Zhao Yanchun,2003, p.118). Specifically, communication is an ostensive - inferential process whichtakes places between communicators. In this dynamic process, communicators mustmake the processing effort and achieve relevance of discourse. If communicatorsmake a small amount of effort in understanding the discourse and get adequatecontextual effect, then it can be rated that the discourse is of strong relevance. As forthe communication of business English interpretation, it features great contextualcharacteristics, and it requires interpreters to duplicate communication and transmitcontext in cross-language business communication. Therefore, it is theoreticallyfeasible to analyze business English interpretation under the frame of RelevanceTheory, and the instructive role of Relevance Theory in business Englishinterpretation practice can be further proved.
