Communication, as interpersonal intercourse, is a kind of societal activity withsome intention, through language, postures and other presentation means, opinion,emotion and information are to be exchanged. Till now, theories of discoursecommunication are comprised of three communicative models, i.e, code discoursecommunication model, inference discourse communication model andostensive-inferential communication model.
2.2 Major Principles of Relevance
Pragmatic relevance is an asset of utterances, and it is a particular case of inputsto cognitive processes:
Linked with available contextual assumptions, positive cognitive effects areyielded when an input is relevant to an individual: for example, true contextualimplications, guaranteed reinforcements, or revisions of existing assumptions.(Sperber & Wilson 2005, p. 7)
It is a question of degree for the relevance of an individual’s input. Generallyspeaking, there is a positive correlation between the cognitive effects and the relevance of the input for the individual. So from the correlation, if one uses thesmaller mental effort to get greater cognitive effects, then the relevance of individual’sinput gets greater. Sperber and Wilson suppose that peoples’ cognitive structure’strend is toward the relevance’s maximization. And their first principle of relevancegoes like this:
First principle of relevance from the perspective of cognition is called maximalrelevance: human cognition is oriented to the maximization of relevance, that is, withas little processing effort as possible, people cater to the realization of as manycontextual effects in cognitive sense as possible .
First principle of relevance from the perspective of cognition is called maximalrelevance: human cognition is oriented to the maximization of relevance, that is, withas little processing effort as possible, people cater to the realization of as manycontextual effects in cognitive sense as possible .
Chapter 3 The Achievement of Optimal Relevance in Business Interpretation in lightof the Relevance Theory............................21
3.1 The Achievement of Optimal Relevance with Understandable Meaning...........21
3.2 The Achievement of Optimal Relevance with Relevant Information.................28
Chapter 3 The Achievement of Optimal Relevance inBusiness Interpretation in light of the Relevance Theory
3.1 The Achievement of Optimal Relevance with UnderstandableMeaning
An utterance is optimally relevant when it enables the audience to find withoutunnecessary effort the meaning intended by the communicator, what is said should beunderstandable.
In light of Relevance Theory, in particular communication situations, the fixedknowledge communicators use to utter or process some sentence is limited, it isunlikely and impossible to utilize all knowledge someone has or from what someone’sbrain has stored, and specific cognitive context is a subset of a person’s total fixedknowledge that one can manage (Sperber & Wilson, 2008, p. 14). So some linguisticknowledge in business interpretation should be ready for interpreters. And the majorsubsets of these linguistic knowledge include business vocabulary and terms, businesspolite language and expressions, and co