6.1 Recommendations
Sustainable tourism development attempts towards optimizing sustainable tourism of Idanre hills should entail the conflicting value positions in terms of the environment, Social and economic aspects of Sustainable tourism development. According to some authors, this concept should be seen as the development and intensification of tourism, while others understand this concept as an alternative tourism and counteract to the development of mass tourism. (Romeril, 1994)
(i) There should be proper planning for the optimization of sustainable tourism development in Idanre hills;
This refers to its conservation preservation and the planning should include a variety of research activities and analysis prior to the decision for determining the direction of the development. All these activities should be undertaken in order to prevent the intensive over-use of the tourism resources in the study area, which is without previous care for the preservation of the resources.
(ii) The local community of Idanre hills must be involved in the planning process and the development of tourism;
When it comes to the development of those segments of the tourist community which will bring benefits for the community and such a planning approach should be applied locally. Idanre hill, as a renowned tourist attraction centre is being managed by those with little or no experience and therefore it is strongly recommended that the government should employ those who are expert and trained in this field in order to avoid mismanagement. Also they should lay emphasis on the importance of tourism and inculcate excursion to the country’s wide range of tourist attractions as part of the educational curriculum. The management should draw up a master plan of the Idanre hills as a tourist area before development and construction so as to analyze the source market of the tourist area, determine the theme image, delineate the scope of land use and spatial layout, arrange the contents of infrastructure construction and put forward the measures for development. It is necessary to specify in details the various control indicators and other planning and management requirements for construction.