
尼日利亚Idanre Hills景区可持续旅游优化探讨

日期:2024年06月03日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:200
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202406021412031919 论文字数:42525 所属栏目:旅游管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
t meets human development goals while at the same time sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend on. The desired result will be a society where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system. Magas (2003) also stated in addition that sustainable development is a type of development that meets the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of subsequent generations to meet their own needs. 

2.2 The concept of sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism is the type of tourism that is supposed to meet the needs of tourists, the tourism industry, and host communities without compromising the ability of coming generations to meet their own needs.  The World Tourism Organization (WTO) suggested sustainable tourism should:

a) Make good use of tourism resources that make up a key element in tourism development, as well as maintain ecological processes through the conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity.

b) Respect the social and cultural value of host communities, conserve their man-made and natural cultural heritage with traditional values, and also contribute to inter-cultural understanding and tolerance. 

c) Ensure long-term economic operations, providing social and economic benefits to all stakeholders that are fairly distributed including job and monetary opportunities, and social services to host communities which will contribute to poverty alleviation.  

However, The World Tourism Organization explains the concept of sustainable tourism development as: tourism development that meets the needs of present tourists and host community while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is anticipated to be the leading management of all tourism resources in such a way that economic, social and environmental needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural ethics, ecological processes, and biological diversity and life support systems.


CHAPTER 3 THE STUDY AREA ......................... 21

3.1 Introduction ...................................... 21

3.2 Overview of tourism in Nigeria ................... 22

CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY ................................. 37

4.1 Research design .................................. 37

4.2 Population and sample size .................................... 37

CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS, FINDINGS, AND DISCUSSION .................................. 40

5.1 Data analysis ..................................... 41

5.2 Descriptive data analysis ............................. 42


5.1 Data analysis

Data analysis in qualitative research is said to be the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, observation notes, or other non-textual materials that the researcher accumulates to increase the understanding of the whole process. The process of analyzing qualitative data mostly involves coding or categorizing data. Basically, it involves making sense of huge amounts of data by reducing the volume of raw information, followed by identifying significant patterns, and finally drawing meaning from data. 

Coding or categorizing data is the important stage in the qualitative data analysis process, coding merely involves subdividing the huge amount of raw information or data, and subsequently assigning them into categories. In this study, coding was done manually, with the use of colored pens to categorize data, and subsequently cutting and sorting the data. Given the advancement of software technology, electronic methods of coding data are increasingly used by qualitative researchers. But the computer does not do the analysis for the researchers, they still have to create the categories, code, decide what to collate, identify the patterns and draw meaning from the data. The use of computer software in