

日期:2022年02月25日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1093
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202202201252539146 论文字数:52122 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter Two Task Description

2.1 Background

The youth subculture is the group culture created by the marginalized youth in eachperiod, which causes subversion and criticism to the mainstream culture of the societythrough various media. Youth subcultures have also been deconstructing and subvertingtraditions and classics, often in confrontation with mainstream culture. Subculture hasdifferent forms in different period, in terms of domestic, from the early“non-mainstream” and “smart” to now with the development of new media, the type ofthe subculture is also growing, such as the meme culture, demotivational culture andBuddhism culture, spoof culture, Bullet screen culture and so on. Generally speaking, thedominant culture is the soil of subculture creation, the concept recognized by a certaingroup of subculture and the lifestyle tendency. However, the youth subculture is notalways in confrontation with the mainstream culture. Sometimes it is incorporated oreliminated by the mainstream culture, sometimes it is incorporated by commercial capital,and sometimes it can coexist harmoniously with the residential culture, constantlyactivating and innovating the mainstream culture.

Therefore, as the forefront of media culture research in China, the media cultureresearch team of Shenzhen University organized this workshop with youth culture as thetheme, with the purpose of discussing the concept, practice, expression and resistance ofyouth culture in the digital media era.The author selected one of two workshops organized by the media culture researchteam of the School of Communication of Shenzhen University on May 30, 2020. Due tothe COVID-19 pandemic, this workshop was held online. 

The workshop lasted 3 hours;the theme was “Youth Cultural Expression in the Digital Media Era”, with youth as thecore key word, reflecting its advancing with the times. Five speakers respectively gaveunique insights and opinions on the concept, practice, expression and resistance of mediaculture in the contemporary digital media environment. This has made valuable academicobservations for the study of contemporary media culture.

2.2 Features and Difficulties

The chosen practice material has three features. First of all, this workshop has fivespeakers, and everyone has different language characteristics, which is suitable forsimulated interpreting practice. For example, spokesman Liu Jun’s speech is very rich incontent, but the time is only 15 minutes, which leads to his fast speaking speed and fewpauses. This puts great pressure on the interpreter’s short-term memory, which may leadto the loss of information. If the existing information stored in the short-term memory isnot processed in time, it will become blurred or even disappear as time passes.

Secondly, This material contains many terms of media culture and youth culture,such as “伯明翰学派(Birmingham School)”, “法兰克福学派(Frankfurt School)”, “机械复制时代(the age of mechanical reproduction)”, “二次元(the ACGN)” and so on. Thiscan be a huge challenge for the interpreter without relevant backgrounds. Not only that,the material contains some emerging Internet buzzwords, such as “娘炮(sissy)”, “饭圈(fans’ cycle)” and “萌化(moe)”. This had caused great pressure on the knowledge reserveof the interpreter. Whether these words can be accurately and quickly interpreted hasbecome a huge challenge in this practice.

Finally, these five speakers are all talents with higher education. Therefore, theirlogic is clear, and they speak standard Mandarin with almost no dialect. This is beneficialfor the interpreter, who can understand the source language more easily and allocate hisenergy to the speech content better, laying a good and sound foundation for the followinginterpreting.

Chapter Three T