

日期:2022年02月25日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1093
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202202201252539146 论文字数:52122 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ask Progress

3.1 Pre-Interpreting Preparation

There is no doubt that preparations play a vital role in the entire interpretingprogress. “Preparation work is a necessary condition for the interpreter to successfullycomplete the interpretation, and is the preparation for accumulating interpreting materialsand necessary information.” (Fang, 2007, p.50) Whether for professional interpreters orbeginners, adequate preparation before interpreting is necessary, which can greatly affectthe quality and effect of interpreting (Díaz-Galaz, Padilla& Bajo, M. T, 2015). Adequatepreparation allows the interpreter to reduce tension and have a better understanding of thesource language. It also allows the interpreter to handle unexpected emergencies veryefficiently and quickly.

First of all, it is about tool preparation. The computer is a necessary tool in theinterpreting process. The author also prepared a small and convenient notebook and astylus to record important information. In addition, Youdao online dictionary andWikipedia.com were also very helpful to interpreters. Such as C-E dictionary, E-Edictionary, several black pens, recording equipment and other tools were also beprepared.

Secondly, it is about the preparation of background knowledge. The chosen materialis a workshop on media culture research. The author first had a basic understanding ofcommunication and media culture. Therefore, the interpreter searched for relevantinformation on some websites, such as Wikipedia.com, Cnki.net and Xinhuanet.com toaccumulate background information. At the same time, the author also made a glossary ofprofessional terms and Internet buzzwords based on the relevant information on theInternet, Wikipedia, and online dictionaries such as Youdao, Collins, which is necessary to master some professional terms closely related to communication and media cultureresearch. In addition, this speech has five speakers. The interpreter listened to theirspeeches on some video websites for getting familiar with their language style , such asBilibili.com, Youku.com.

3.2 Interpreting Process

After finishing all the preparations, the interpreter checked whether the equipment is working properly. First, he got to make sure that the computer and external microphonesand speakers working well. Second, the author played the video of this practice materialto check the image and sound quality, and adjusted the appropriate volume for thefollowing task. The video data is 3 hours long, including the opening speech of the hostand the speeches of several speakers. The interpreter divided the video into six parts andtook a 5-minute break every 30 minutes. Then, the interpreter used the computerrecording software to start the recording task. At first, he was a little nervous. Fortunately,the workshop started with a welcome speech from the host Chang jiang, which is easy tounderstand and interpret for the interpreter. As the video continues, the interpretergradually entered the state, and the quality of the interpreting continues to rise. However,individual speakers speak too fast, with an average of 250 words per minute, whichposed a huge challenge to the short-term memory of the interpreter. The interpreter wasprone to loss some information or misinterpret, which had a bad influence on thementality of the interpreter. After completing this practice, the interpreter saved hisrecordings successfully.


Chapter Three Task Progress.......................................7

3.1 Pre-Interpreting Preparation........................... 7

3.2 Interpreting Process.......................................8

3.3 Post-Task Control......................................9

Chapter Four Case Analysis..............................11

4.1 Survey of Syntactic Linearity Strategy......................... 11

4.2 Application of Syntactic Linearity Strategy..............................13

Chapter Five Conclusion..................................29

Chapter Four Case Analysis

4.1 Survey of Syntactic Linearity Strategy