

日期:2018年07月09日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1912
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201411092107213895 论文字数:39805 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
of Globalization, Political Violence and Translation (2008).

2.2 The Introduction to the Book

The book Translation in Global News is an academic monograph. In the excerpted part of thebook, the writers do not employ rhetorical or ornamental language, but uses formal and schematicwords to describe the situation of translation under the circumstance of globalization in anobjective way. It examines how news agencies, arguably the most powerful organizations in thefield of global news, have developed historically and how they conceive of and employ translationin a global setting.Chapter One mainly focused on the dual roles of translators as well as the influences oflanguage and power to news translation. It discusses in detail the problems of the ambiguity oftranslation, the cultural turn, the relations between translation and news, the moulding andreshaping of news material and so on. The excerpted part of Chapter Two discusses differentphases of globalization and its features, like the substantial overcoming of spatial barriers, thecentrality of knowledge and information, the shrinking of the world, the possibility of instantcommunication and so on. In addition, it also talks about the influence of globalization, whichleads to the compression of the world and the space of flows. The author chooses this part as thetranslation project because it deals with the ambiguous situation of translation and factors thatexercise influence on translation. Besides, the academic style of this part is rather prominent,which facilitates the author’s analysis.

3 Stylistics .........................................................4
3.1 Definition of Stylistics ...............................................4
3.2 The Evolution of Stylistics.................................................4
3.3 Study Object and Scope of Stylistics .....................................5
4 The Analysis of the Translation Text..............................................6
4.1 Lexical Category ..................................................................6
4.2 Sentence and Grammar Category................................................9
4.3 Translation Strategies .......................................................14
5 Conclusion .......................................................16

4 The Analysis of the Translation Text

Although the name of the book is Translation in Global News, it is not written in journalisticstyle, but in academic style. In the excerpted part of the book, the writers do not employ rhetoricalor ornamental language, but uses formal and schematic words to describe the situation oftranslation under the circumstance of globalization in an objective way. In this chapter, attemptshave been made to analyze the translation from the perspective of stylistic features.

4.1 Lexical Category

No two languages are ever sufficiently alike for the identical structures and vocabulary to beused to express the same thing. In stylistics, the choice of words is closely connected to the styleof a text; it can reflect the author’s writing style. Modern linguists believe that many synonymsand words with similar meanings have their own distinct register, different words should be usedin different contexts. In terms of vocabulary, it can be categorized into several types, such asformal and informal, colloquial and written, abstract as well as words with specific meanings. Intranslating the text, the author should be faithful to the original language, in addition to that, theauthor should as well take the target culture and language into consideration. DictionLanguage and culture are inextricably linked; it reflec