MBA essay范文格式-全球化对运营管理的影响。本文是一篇MBA留学生essay写作格式,主要内容是讲述近年来由于全球经济衰退和市场份额竞争,金融机构的全球运营管理活动难以预料。支撑全球环境的关键因素将是国际化和全球化。全球经营是指影响世界经济和全球分散功能或活动成功整合的动态。根据Yip的观点,“全球经营可以指在全球范围内拥有制造或服务设施,或提供包括全球市场在内的全球化驱动因素,其中每一种都通过向新市场扩张来增加销售额,从而提高竞争力”。另一方面,Slack等人认为,全球化是运营经理在世界不同地区发展供应商和客户关系的机会。下面就一起来看一下这篇MBA essay范文格式范文的具体内容。
Recent tactics in global competition among organisations require extension of trade internationally by the pattern of foreign direct investment which has resulted emerging newly industrialising nation. In a highly competitive global environment, companies need to set a well define operation objectives and plans to successfully compete in both domestic and global market.
This essay critically analyses the key global operation management techniques adopted by Barclays bank for its innovative process to distinguish itself as a unique global asset management firm offering tremendous service to institution and individuals. Barclay’s global investors are one of the worlds largest asset managers and the world largest providers of structure investment strategies. The company operation strategy should reflect its position in global, economic, political and social environment. (See Appendix one)
According to this essay there are 8 major key factors for global operation management to be considered below;根据这这篇essay,以下是全球运营管理需要考虑的8个主要关键因素;
Global Total Quality Management in service industries (TQM gurus) 全球服务业全面质量管理
Global Inventory Planning and Control Management 全球库存计划和控制管理
Strategies for Global Change Management 全球变革管理战略
Global Operation Design and Process 全球运营设计和流程
Global Operations Planning, Scheduling 全球运营规划、调度
Global Distributions and Supply Chain Management 全球分销与供应链管理
Strategy for Global Human Resources. 全球人力资源战略
Global strategy for operation Management 全球运营管理战略
Global strategies for operation management 全球运营管理战略
Operation management is a systematic approach to address all the issues pertaining to the transformation process that convert some inputs into output that are useful and could fetch revenue for the organisation. According to Slack, et al (2001) global operation management is the term used for the activities, decision and responsibilities of operation managers who manage the production and delivered of produce and service. The operation strategy should be part of the organisation total strategy to achieve global dominance. Financial service product faces unique challenges which need customers present during the production and service delivery. This requires Barclays to improve its operation process that will add value to achieve competitive advantage.
Strategy for Managing Global Operation 全球运营管理战略
Effective operation through efficient use of re