
英国Essay格式 Ma Curating contemporary design(艺术策展)

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4244
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201009031736475134 论文字数:3600 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
<P>bSchool of Communication Design  MA Curating Contemporary Design in partnership with the Design Museum</P> <P>TITLE : Theory of the object</P> <P>所读专业:Ma Curating contemporary design(艺术策展)<BR>细分专业:<BR>字数:5000(开题报告字数,文章字数)<BR>截稿时间:2008年1月23。不过2007年11月25号,student seminar presentations(use PPT) which is relate to my esaay presentation。<BR>学校国家:UK<BR>学校背景(档次):学校排名70,不过我们专业排名全英前十。<BR>写作总额:5000字<BR>补充要求:附件是我们的课程要求和目标。</P> <P>AIMS:</P> <P>• To identify key theoretical models and critical writings to use as a basis and underpinning of research and case studies.<BR> <BR>• To examine writings around the object alongside the critical practice of contemporary collecting in museums.  </P> <P>• To identify and analyse the relationships between collecting theory and curatorial collecting practice; the nature, reason and rationale of similarities and differences. </P> <P>• To explore the complex system of relationships between theory and practice</P> <P>LEARNING OUTCOMES: </P> <P>On successful completion of the module, students will be able to: <BR>v<BR>• Demonstrate an understanding of the key theories around the object</P> <P>• Employ these theories within an analytical study of contemporary collecting practice of design objects across different institutions and museums</P> <P>• Demonstrate a critical understanding of the complex relationships which exist between theory and practice, collecting and curating design.</P> <P><BR>CURRICULUM CONTENT:</P> <P>• Collecting in a consumer society, the socio-cultural and historical aspect of consumerism. </P> <P>• The relationship between museology and objects of material culture. </P> <P>• The role of the object in the museum. </P> <P>• Typologies of exhibitions. </P> <P>• Material culture theories and the object. </P> <P>• The Significance of an object. </P> <P>• The role of the object, including function, social purpose and symbolism. Material culture and Language. </P> <P>• Object as power: this approaches objects as political and their value as predominantly ideological and current research.</P> <P><BR>• <BR>TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGY: </P> <P>This course will be taught by formal lectures and student led seminars.  Guest lecturers will be invited to contribute their individual specialisms and the course will also include visits to appropriate collections.</P> <P>• Lectures: 15 hours<BR>• Seminars: 30 hours<BR>• Independent study: 255 hours</P> <P><BR>ASSESSMENT STRATEGY</P> <P>The module will be assessed by a 5000 word essay which reflects the themes of the course. Working  in collaboration with a tutor, students are expected to generate ideas which will shape the direction and themes of their essay. In addition students will be expected to contribute to the weekly seminars and demonstrate a commitment to independent learning and reading. Each student will present a research in progress assessed seminar linked to their chosen essay topic.</P> <P>MAJOR CATEGORIES OF ASSESSMENT</P> <P>• Seminar Presentation 20% ( Nov 2007)<BR>• Essay 80% Hand in Jan 23th 2008</P> <P><BR>Please note all classes take place in ROOM T28 unless otherwise specified. <BR>Room T28 is booked from 11am</P> <P><BR>Monday 24th-28th - Induction Week<BR>(Oct 1-5CMD in South Afri