
信息网络传播权法律问题探讨research on Legal Issues of Information Network Transmission Right

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1400
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201206191858438885 论文字数:37586 所属栏目:法律毕业论文写作
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Degree

信息网络传播权法律问题探讨research on Legal Issues of Information Network Transmission Right 

摘 要
伴随着知识产权制度的发展,合理使用制度也应运而生,由于其灵活多变,难以掌控,从司法实践到理论界均争论不断。尽管如此,信息技术与网络技术仍旧不可避免的要利用这一制度。作为研究信息网络传播权的一个重要方面,合理使用制度与其他法律制度一样,具有一般法律演进的一般规律。 美国法官将英国判例法中比较零散的合理使用制度进行了梳理,初步形成了今天的合理使用三要素也就是,一、使用作品的性质和目的;二、引用作品的数量和价值;三、引用对原作商业影响程度。这是历史上首次关于合理使用原则的体系化表述。但是合理使用制度受到的市场制度,著作权人,技术的冲击,产生了存废之争。笔者从法学、哲学,经济学等等角度论证了该制度存在的价值。


Communication to the public in various countries is accompanied by the development of a new type of network technology, the copyright interest. In our country are defined by wired or wireless means to provide the public works, so that the public may, in its time and place individually chosen to obtain the right to work. Information Network Transmission Right and the difference between the traditional right of communication lies in its interactive communication behavior of the composite and the public nature of the legal characteristics.
In China, the right to network dissemination of information of use is more prevalent alternative to an international right of communication to the public, but the right to network dissemination of information and communication to the public on the legal implications are not consistent, the right of the lack of inclusiveness in our country and systematic. Mental aspects of relevant legislation is not perfect, it did not take a technology-neutral approach.
Information Network Transmission Right of the main body is not enough clear and often confusing overlap with other subjects of rights. Information Network Transmission Right is still the object of originality and reliability with the works, and its wide range of objects, including digitized through the general object, including the spread of digital technology on the variety of new objects, databases, oral works, works of electronic bulletin boards, and so the controversy still did not stop. Information Network Transmission Right covers the rights and property of spiritual rights, and both the characteristics of copyright and neighboring rights. The right to information rights management is a relatively new type of power, can be regarded as an extension of the traditional authorship, authorship generally applicable and relevant requirements.
With the information about network transmission right violations, violations compared with the general right to network dissemination of information are hidden strong tort, diversify, and other characteristics of immeasurable loss. For the depth of connections, non-interactive communication and other behaviors are not clear legal provisions, resulting in no legal basis for judicial practice. This article discusses the reference to German law, to fill the lack of relevant laws. With the development of the intellectual property system, the rational use of the system have emerged, because of its flexibility, difficult to control, from practice to theory of judicial debate over the world are. However, information technology and network technology is stillhttp://www.51lunwen.org/fllvfw/2012/0415/lw201204152143446082.html  inevitabl