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Case Study写作指导与范文解析

日期:2021年02月19日 编辑:ad202101151640419198 作者 点击次数:1410
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202101182054551819 论文字数:2089 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
eed for improvement arises, not every company is prepared to make improvements. As a large successful company, Walmart has more resources available to take staff out of their daily work and place them in training sessions. Investment in training needs assessment and training sessions themselves may be daunting for small companies; however, an organization operating in more flexible environments can reap the rewards (van Eerde, Tang, & Talbot, 2008). As an example of a luxurious training session, Walmart took their entire work force off the line for a three-hour training event, in the middle of the economic meltdown of 2008 (MacDonald, 2008). Most retail outlets would steer clear of a door-closing event during busy open hours. Walmart, however, deemed the reward to be greater than the risk.


Organizational Effectiveness

Walmart has a strong human resources strategy and management system. This has led to high organizational effectiveness in the industry, stemming in part from successful employee engagement. Positive employee engagement leads to a psychological climate, cultural attitude, and set of employee behaviors that positively impact an organization from top to bottom (Kataria, Rastogi & Garg, 2013). Therefore, it is safe to say that Walmart’ Partner Resources has had positive effect on the organization as a whole.

解析:沃尔玛拥有强大的人力资源战略和管理体系,好的人力资源管理使员工更加敬业从而带来好的工作氛围和健康的工作态度,这一系列积极的良性循环从而给企业带来了高效率。在这里,作者再次提出了沃尔玛在人力资源管理方面的特殊性,并且也用理论和研究来支持Case Study。

Case Study写作指导与范文解析

第三步:对以上Case Study的总结,人力资源的重要性,沃尔玛在人力资源招聘,培训、组织效率这些特质促使沃尔玛更加高效率。


Employers ask employees to work hard, be pleasant, and show results. The investment of time and money into human resources can, and will, pay off in positive organization outcomes if a strategic management system is in place and well-used. Seattle-based Walmart has been an example of success through strategic human resource management through good times and bad. Its practices, though occasionally flawed, show an overwhelmingly successful model of large company investment in human capital.

解析:从本次Case Study中我们可以看到,雇主在人力资源上投入的时间和金钱能够给企业带来积极结果,比如员工能更努力更愉快的工作,工作产出也更高。通过对沃尔玛Case Study ,显示出大公司在对人力资源管理方面的投入具有压倒性的优势,并且这种投入在现在或将来是可以带来巨大的回报。