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日期:2018年02月21日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2078
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201703011719519417 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
Case Study on Starbucks Proposing Market Research

Answer to Question 1
While Starbucks was conducting its market research, the research agency asked you to provide the company with a research design:在星巴克进行市场调研时,研究机构要求你为公司提供研究设计:

Explain the two levels of design that can be used by Starbucks 解释两个层次的设计,可用于星巴克
The two levels of designs that can be used by Starbucks are 两个级别的设计,可以使用星巴克

Casual Design: Starbucks has gained hype in past many years and so has the consumer expectation increased. Firth approach that we will use is Casual approach where we can study about the number of outlet or price that can be kept by Starbucks in different countries. Outlet and price are two most important factors for Starbucks to be successful anywhere. Casual design will help us in studying if the people are ready to pay a good amount just for a coffee.

Descriptive research: Descriptive research will help start bucks in figuring out how many users are there who drinks coffee. Descriptive research can also help Starbucks in predicting future demands. (Poojari, 2013)

What are the reasons for providing a research design?提供研究设计的原因是什么?

Since Starbucks is customer oriented company and enjoys a loyal customer base across markets, the whole idea of a providing research design is to determine what kind of tastes the customer will prefer. What is the future of coffee around the world and over all what is the position of start bucks in it. For Starbucks to increase the brand image we defiantly need detailed customer analysis as to what would they prefer and why.

Identify and explain the types of research design?识别和解释研究设计的类型?

Exploratory Design: This type of research is very flexible and goal oriented. In exploratory research the problems are more precise, explanatory and have an insight to it. It is used when you can define the problem more precisely. Exploratory research is the an input to future research

Conclusive research- it is more formal and structured design when compared to exploratory design. In conclusive research the information required is clearly defined. The data or answer collected from conclusive research is used in decision making. (Malhotra, n.d.)

Answer to Question 2
In case Starbucks decided to conduct secondary research instead of the primary researches.

What are advantages that Starbucks can benefit from when using the secondary research and what are the obstacles that should be faced?
Secondary research is basically an analysis and interpretation of primary research work. The method involves the collection of relevant primary research and then interpreting what the primary research has found. For instance, secondary research often takes the form of the results from two or more primary research articles and explains what the two separate findings are telling us.

In case, Starbucks decided to conduct secondary research instead of the primary researches then the results or the outcomes could have been more credible as it takes several primary research results into account for analysis process.

The only obstacle is the method is time consuming as it first collects the primary research data and then interprets it. Also, at times the result is completely made out of another person's interpretation as secondary research articles would be from another person's view, drawing in several sources.

Despite the above mentioned challenges, do you advise Starbucks to proceed with its secondary research?
Yes, in my opinion, Starbucks should proceed with its secondary research as over a time period preferences and choices in customers' behaviour may change and that will only be detected d