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日期:2018年02月21日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2078
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201703011719519417 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
uring a secondary research but not in the primary one.

What are the reliable possible sources?
The reliable sources for secondary research are books, journals, magazines, newspaper, news reports, encyclopaedia, Textbooks, research papers, white papers, and library. (Anon., 2013)

Answer to Question 3
What is the best type of research that can be adopted by Starbucks in the above case?

Is it exploratory, descriptive or causal research? Specify it and describe briefly what is meant by the three previous terms.
Exploratory research can be adopted by Starbucks as it can help it in determining the insight and understanding about the environment, people’s perception about companies and brands.

Casual Design: Casual study is the understanding of a phenomena when there is some conditional change. It can be in the form of “If X then Y”. This type of study is used to measure any change that will happen due to any prevailing assumptions and norms. Casual design occurs and change in any change is current or independent phenomena will lead to an average change in the variable that is dependent.

Exploratory Design: This type of research is very flexible and goal oriented. In exploratory research the problems are more precise, explanatory and have an insight to it.

Descriptive Design: Descriptive design is more rigid then exploratory design. It helps in determine the user of the product and the population which uses that product. Descriptive design helps in predicting the future demand.

Talk about the differences between the two types and give examples on how to use each type.
Exploratory research

descriptive or causal research
Information required is described loosely
Information required is defied clearly
Help improvising understanding and insight
Too test hypothesis and examine relationship
Results are tentative
Results are conclusive
After this conclusive research is done
After this decisions are made.
(Malhotra, n.d.)

Answer to Question 3
What can be the benefits and limitations of conducting qualitative research?
A qualitative method of research provides rich and detailed results offering various ideas and concepts to make the program more informative. For conducting a qualitative research, own would need a small group with key characteristics in common.


According to Carla willing (2001), qualitative research is usually concerned with meaning i.e. they tell you about the perception of people- how they feel and make sense of the world

Qualitative research comes with a great degree of flexibility while conducting a particular study. It enables researchers to make connections between different aspects of human's lives. For say between the sphere and the occupational sphere

Explore the required/ desired topic in an elaborate way with more depth and detail

It is less expensive as there is no need of using extensive methods

The use of qualit