

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2179
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201108261334162553 论文字数:44996 所属栏目:知识产权法论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
copyright law on technological measures.
This chapter consists of 2 parts. From the aspects of the system of limitations on copyright, the freedom of expression and the public interest, Part 1 makes analysis on the conflict between legislative protection on technological measures and interests of concerning parties and points out the tendency of the over-expansion and abuse of rights on the part of copyright owner from and thus legislation should set certain limitations on the protection on technological measures. Part 2 which is a key part of the paper summarizes the means of setting limitations on the protection on technical measures including the stipulation of exception, the establishment of reviewing mechanism of exception and the setting of concerning obligations on the basis of current successful examples of legislation.
Chapter 4:The current state and improvement of the legislation of technological measures in China.
This chapter, on the foundation of the status quo of legislation and judiciary practice in China, lists the defects lying in legislation concerning technological measures. At last, based on the current condition of the protection of intellectual property rights in China, it sets forth suggestions on how to improve legislation on the protection on technological measures with copyright law by drawing on the legislative experience of other countries and sticking to the legislative goal of the balance of interests.

Key words: the technological measures; anti-circumvention terms; Digital Millennium Copyright Law; Fair Use; the public interest
目  录

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
引  言 1
第一章  技术措施法律保护的概述 2
第一节  技术措施的概念 2
第二节  技术措施的种类 4
第三节  技术措施法律保护的进程 5
第四节  技术措施法律保护的必要性与合理性分析 7
一、技术措施法律保护的必要性分析 7
二、技术措施法律保护的合理性分析 8
第二章  国外有关技术措施法律保护状况 11
第一节  世界知识产权组织条约的相关规定 11
第二节  美国技术措施保护的立法状况 12
一、美国反规避条款及其例外的立法背景 12
(一)美国早期的立法 12
(二)1995年白皮书 12
(三)数字千年版权法 13
二、典型判例 17
(一)Lexmark, Inc. V. Static Control Components, Inc. 17
(二)Real Networks, Inc. V. Streambox, Inc. 18
第三节  欧盟技术措施保护的立法状况 19
一、欧盟保护技术措施的早期立法和政策 19
二、《对基于或包含附条件访问的服务的法律保护指令》中保护技术措施   的规定 20
三、《关于协调信息社会著作权与相关权利指令》中保护技术措施的规定 21
第四节  澳大利亚、日本和台湾地区技术措施保护的立法状况 22
第五节  本章总结 25