

日期:2021年03月31日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1821
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202103221409478825 论文字数:36566 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
operations that simultaneouslyapply two or more silvopastoral technologies, and the authors claimed that they accounted forsample selection bias by using paired comparisons of technologies within the same farms”. Theiroutcomes proposed that farmers who utilized these technologies exhibited superior technicalefficiency as compared to conservative cattle-ranchers. (Pandey, Surjan, & Kapshe, 2018)analyzed that least amount of tillage, “another NRM practice, by comparing villages with fulladoption (>90%) with non- full adopters in India. Their results showed that the technicalefficiency for the two groups of villages was 0.92 and 0.88, respectively”.

Table 1: Descriptive Statistic









4.2 协整检验...........................35



5.1 讨论...........................45

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and interpretation

4.1. Descriptive statistics

The research is about analyzing the impact of input-intensive agriculture technology onhousehold income. Table 01 indicates the explanation of descriptive statistics which is a keysummary of the variables used in the analysis. As it has already explained above the outcomevariable has explained the impact of household income. The given descriptive statistics tableexplains the basics feature of the data and scale variables in order to measure the data.Generally, the table of descriptive statistics explained the measure of central tendency as wellas to a measure of dispersion to explore the data type.

The given table of descriptive statistics explains the mean, median, standard deviationand skewness. Commonly, the skewness should be symmetric. A normal skewness valueshould be between 0-0.5. The skewness value greater than this considers as in left and rightskewness. The given table shows that skewness of age and crop residues is in negative whichis not significant. A normal skewness curve should be in between 0-0.05. All variablesexplained one by one in a table. The description of the table simply shows that the skewnessof flooding, household size, sloppy land is between 0.5 which is significant. The skewness ofother variables is not according to a standard.



Chapter 5 Discussion and conclusion

5. Conclusion and Discussion

5.1. Conclusion

This study has been done by undertaking the purpose to know about the purpose of theinfluence of input intensive agricultural technology on household income in Gabon, that whatis the impact of agricultural technology with respect to its intensive and critical input on theearnings of one’s house hold and how it impacts the living style of the ones householdpatterns as well. Another aim of this study was to know and critically analyze the influenceand impact of natural resource management practices on household patterns and especially onincome of households in Gabon. It means that this study took the objective to know abouthousehold of the Gabon’s people and their income, that how the nature made resources impactit and what kind of impact they leave on the house hold income as well.

The third and last aim of this research was to know about the impact and influence of theagricultural technology on the household income that how the technology, which is used bydifferent farmers and at different stages of ploughing and farming, they used, affects thehousehold income of the people in Gabon. The relationship suggested by the study wassignificant, the impact of input intensive agriculture technology on the income of household inGabon is significant, and it has been proved by this research as well.

The second aim was also fulfilled by this study, which showed the significant results ofnatural resource management on the household income in Gabon. The results of this research alsoshowed that the influence of Tech