2.2 Previous Studies on Transfer of L1 Writing Proficiency on L2 Writing Proficiency
Cummins (1983) proposed a new theory: ―common underlying proficiency hypothesis ". It is a newtheoretical model about the bilingual research. He argued that possible transfer of cognitive/academic skillacross language takes place based on the manifestations of both L1 and L2. The theory stands that theforeign level of literacy and general academic skills is closely deeply influenced by the deep conceptualand linguistic proficiency of native reading skills. When adult ESL learners come to study a foreignlanguage, they unconsciously employ the linguistic skills and proficiency of their native language to theunfamiliar language acquisition. Collier (1992) supplemented that leaners tend to employ linguisticproficiency and strategies that they have acquired from their native language to the second language eventhough the two languages have totally separate writing systems. Foreign language learners are conditionedto transfer the knowledge they mastered from a language to the other language as well as to maximize thelinguistic proficiency they have possessed. In the theory of common underlying proficiency hypothesis,Cummins (1983) stated that cross-linguistic language proficiencies can motivate the progress ofcognitive/academic and linguistic knowledge in a central processing system. He believed the cognitive andliteracy ability formed from their mother tongue would transfer from language to language.
Chapter 3 Theoretical Bases ......... 21
3.1 Theories about language Transfer..... 21
3.1.1 The Definition of Transfer ......... 21
3.1.2 Types of Language Transfer ...... 22
3.2 Contrastive Analysis .... 23
3.3 Interlanguage ........ 24
3.4 Common Underlying Proficiency Hypothesis ....... 24
Chapter 4 Research Design.... 27
4.1 Hypotheses..... 27
4.2 Subject .... 27
4.3 Instruments..... 28
4.4 Assessment..... 29
4.5 Research Procedure...... 30
4.6 Data Collection ..... 32
Chapter 5 Results and Analysis .... 34
5.1 Results and Analysis .... 34
5.2 Findings and Discussions.... 38
Chapter 5 Results and Analysis
5.1 Results and Analysis
In order to test the first