

日期:2023年09月25日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:530
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202309151510051428 论文字数:37785 所属栏目:英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
nce on science and technology leads to a more and more seriousphenomenon of technology in enslaving,resulting in the loss of posthumansubjectivity.

2.1.1 Cyborg:Deconstruction of Human Subject

With the rapid development of science and technology,human and machine have presented an unprecedented intimate relationship.The boundary between man andmachine is becoming increasingly blurred.Human has become“cyborg”or“posthuman”.In the process of posthuman formation,the human body as a materialorganism is invaded.In the novel,the popular artificial implants,gene recombinationand cosmetic surgery changed or even replaced the human body through technicalmeans.The blurred boundary between human and machine fundamentally threatensthe human subject,which challenges the concept of“man”in classical humanism.

2.2 Ecological Crises

By holding the sword of science and technology,posthumans has been exploiting the nature immoderately.In Neuromancer,Gibson presents an ecocidalurban society in the postindustrial era:cities are seriously polluted without anyvitality;natural animals are replaced by mutated animals;and artificial landscapesare substituted for natural scenes.The destruction of natural ecology constructed agloomy atmosphere to the living situation of posthuman.Far from improving theecological environment,the disguise and reproduction of technology led to an excessdeterioration of nature.The dual opposition between human and nature is more acuteunder the influence of technology.This reflects Gibson’s ecological concern for thesurvival of posthuman,which also implies the wish of breaking the binary oppositionbetween man and nature in the posthuman theory.

2.2.1 Deterioration of the Natural Environment

As a typical postindustrial city,Japan’s Chiba has all-night quartz halogenlights,floating islands of white foam plastics,giant cube-shaped ecologicalcommunities,gorgeous neon lights and holographic signboards.However,in thishigh-tech modern city,the ecological environment is extremely deteriorated.UnderGibson’s depiction,the living environment of posthumans is seriously polluted,which is demonstrated in the beginning line of the novel:“The sky above the portwas the color of television,tuned to a dead channel”(Gibson,1984:1).

Chapter Three Origins of the Posthuman Crises in Neuromancer..................44

3.1 Extreme Development of Anthropocentrism..................44

3.2 Hegemony of Instrumental Rationality................48

3.3 Distorted Consumer Culture..........................50

Chapter Four Solutions to the Posthuman Crises in Neuromancer......................54

4.1 Realization of Post-anthropocentric Turn.......................54

4.2 Return of the Body...................................58

4.3 Protection of Human Dignity...........................60


Chapter Four Solutions to the Posthuman Crises in Neuromancer

4.1 Realization of Post-anthropocentric Turn

Neuromancer presents a posthuman world with highly developed science andtechnology.Although the blurred boundary between man and machine deconstructedthe traditional definition of“man”in the novel,the anthropocentric binary oppositionbetween man and nature,man and animal,man and woman,ruling class and vulnerable groups still existed in the posthuman society,which also gave rise to aseries of posthuman crises.The alienation of man and various crises caused byinstrumental rationality hegemony based on anthropocentrism are the core ofposthuman predicaments.Therefore,we must abandon the conservative concept ofanthropocentrism and achieve post-anthropocentric turn.

Before that,we should realize that anthropocentrism has its historicalinevitability.On the one hand,anthropocentrism has its biological source.All livingcreatures move purposefully for the survival of themselves or their species.On theother hand,anthropocentrism,which guides the success of human practice,isgradually created and formed in the long and arduous struggle of mankind.It must beadmitted that