4.1 Facing Absurd Reality
The consciousness about absurd reality arises from the aimlessness in existence.If aimwe mentioned refers to the purpose or meaning of people’s trivial daily life,then existence inreality cannot be described as aimlessness and insignificance.The action of human beings,asa conscious activity,is provided with obvious purpose as natural as wanting to live at all.When people say their existence living in world lacks a purpose,it means that a purpose isirregular one which surpass the innumerable small purposes of daily life.According toHeidegger,he expresses the absurdity of human whose life trapped in absurd circle.Themental state he designed in which annoyance,fear,death,and absolute destruction representhuman’s primary state of mind.He holds a idea that people,as“being”,are faced with“nothingness”and that people are always caught in the quagmire of troubles and pains.Heidegger calls people special existence,another name:“Dasein”,and the basic condition of“Dasein”is“in-der-welt-sein”,which refers specifically to the characteristics of humanexistence,namely“existence in the world.”The manifestation of“in-der-welt-sein”isemotion,an innate emotional experience endowed to mankind.Through emotionalexperiecnce,Dasein discovered a absurd fact that he had been placed into this body,personality,and position in the universe without being consulted,without any purpose ormeaning.This was“geworfenheit”,or thrownness.Borrowed Heidegger’s view of being.InHeidegger’s view of Dasein is no longer an abstract image,but real existence of human.Heidegger’s concrete grasp of the possibility of nothingness and concrete illustration makeSartre think that Heidegger’s theory of Dasein is more advanced and brilliant than others(LuShuying,2014:140).
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
The depiction of the figures reveals that the people are still shrouded in colonial powerafter independence.The protagonist of the novel,a black man who receives Westerneducation and ideas,lives under the shadow of colonial power without knowing it.As thestory progresses,the protagonist constantly questions his identity to get out of the dilemmathat plagues him.Therefore,the dissertation mainly analyzed the Guyana novelDisappearance from Sartre’s existentialism.Applying Sartre’s existentialist ideas:the worldis absurd,alienation and free choice,the dissertation analyzed the protagonist’s changingdirection from alienation to discovery of authenticity.The main content can be summarized asa process from the inevitable absurdity of the world,to the gradual self-alienation,to thediscovery of his authenticity through free choice,finally to responsible for oneself and others.This research elaborated in detail the process of the protagonist from alienation toauthenticity.
This Guyanese novel has been presented to Chinese readers since professor HuZongfeng,a famous translator at Northwestern University,translated it in 2014.Domesticresearch in the past mainly analyzed the content of Disappearance from the perspectives ofpost-colonialism,identity search,colonial trauma and literary style.This paper analyzed thenovel from Sartre’s existentialism,which not only restored the process of characters getting out of the dilemma and getting rid of alienation,but also reflects that the author outlined howthe colonial people get rid of the Western haze,return to themselves and gradually eliminatethe confusion of identity.Firstly,The objective view of Sartre’s existentialism emphasizes thatthe world is absurd and life is painful.People who live in absurd worlds are thrown into thisworld without being solicited,which makes the world itself absurd;in addition,society iscrowded with subjective people.