Chapter Two Process of Simulated Interpreting
2.1 Pre-Interpreting Preparations
Simultaneous interpretation is a multitask and usually involves the interpreters’ears,brains,mouths,etc.Besides,“the visual input might be used first and foremostto support the production of the output rather than the comprehension of the input.”(Seeber,et al,2020:6)Therefore,the preparations before the simultaneousinterpretation is of great significance.A successful simultaneous interpretation cannever do without sufficient preparations.An interpreter who starts interpretingwithout any preparation is as unarmed and vulnerable as someone who has neverbeen a soldier going into a battle.And for translating and interpreting externalpublicity texts like government work reports,“the most important thing to payattention to is to immerse ourselves in the study of foreign cultures and the psychological thinking patterns of foreigners,be good at discovering and analyzingthe nuances and characteristics of Chinese and foreign cultures,and never forget totranslate and interpret according to the thinking habits of foreign audiences.”(Huang,2004:29)With sufficient preparations like reading parallel texts,the difficultyof the simultaneous interpretation task can be reduced,the energy of the interpretercan be saved,the pressure can be lessened and the self-confidence can be improvedso as to have a better performance.
2.2 While-Interpreting Procedures
On the day of the simulated simultaneous interpretation practice,the author wentonline 15 minutes earlier to test whether the network,equipment and video couldwork normally to ensure the smooth implementation of the entire process.Due to thepandemic,most schools use Voov meeting software as a medium for classes,so theauthor and the audience are very familiar with the use of this software and can use itproficiently.After confirming that all preparations are done,the author waited untilthe appointed time.When the audience arrived,the author briefly introduced thewhole process of the simulated practice and the theme of the task to the audiencebefore the official start of the simulated interpretation.These took about 20 minutes.
After a simple mental state adjustment,the author officially started the simulatedsimultaneous interpretation practice.The author used the screen sharing function ofVoov meeting to play the video of the Hangzhou Shangcheng District 2022Government Work Report found from the Internet to simulate the speech of thespeaker,and simulated the simultaneous interpretation through the simultaneousinterpretation function of the software.In order to be closer to reality,there was noeye contact with the audience,simulating the scene where the interpreter sits in thesimultaneous interpretation booth to do the interpretation.Since the original video material is nearly 50 minutes long,considering the author's ability and energy,theauthor divided the whole process into 5 parts,each part is about 10 minutes,andrested for 5 minutes after each part,letting the author adjust the mental state andprepare for the interpretation of the next paragraph.The author interprets whilewatching the video,which also facilitated the interpreter to have a betterunderstanding of the speaker's speech by looking at him.The author conveyed themeaning to the audience in English through the speaker's Chinese speech and used thecontents prepared before the simulated practice.While interpreting,there are sometheory applied,strategy employed and technique involved.The techniques andstrategies are chosen to be used under the guidance of functional equivalence theory.
Chapter Three Case Analysis....................12
3.1 Main Problems..............