

日期:2023年04月06日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:415
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202303291157174528 论文字数:49696 所属栏目:英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
altranslation is only useful as a preliminary technique for discovering an acceptabletranslation”(p.138).Considering the translation Skopos,the business information mustbe efficiently and accurately spread to the marketers planning to run a business abroad.In these cases,the translator employed literal translation.As for the source text,somebusiness terms that do not have equivalent Chinese expressions were translatedaccurately by literal translation after the translator consulted related backgroundinformation on the internet.


Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Gains from the Translation

The translator acquired some gains and insights after translating this business textbased on Skopos theory.

When the translation was finished,the translator learned the importance ofbuilding a brand for a marketer in international market entry and operations.In this ageof economic globalization,openness and integration are unstoppable historical trends.There are also chances for companies to run and operate businesses abroad,which iskey to making profits.Investing in strategic marketing and brand management is criticalfor an enterprise in the nowadays fierce competition which will provide lasting returnsto any business.A brand is more than simply a name,logo,term,symbol,or design.Abrand is also more than the satisfaction a user derives from doing business with acompany or individual which makes that user want to continue using the same product.

Most importantly,the translator also improved the capacity to solve problems intranslation.The translator finished the translation using Skopos theory as a guide byapplying several translation methods like literal translation,division and combination,and others.In translation,many difficulties and problems stem from those intrinsicdifferences between English and Chinese.It is significant to be aware of these massivedifferences between the two languages to minimize the negative effect caused by thesedifferences in translation.Some problems in the translation process can be solved bycritical reading and critical thinking.By critical reading,the translator could analyzeand comprehend the source text thoroughly and then reflect on the accuracy of hercomprehension by critical thinking.
