

日期:2023年04月06日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:427
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202303291157174528 论文字数:49696 所属栏目:英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
equitydevelopment to achieve long-term business results where the author pays particularattention to B-to-B brands which often have the most to gain from brand development.Chapter Nine:Developing a Competitive Advantage focuses on strategies to develop acompetitive advantage as the marketer enters new markets.This chapter takes EMCO asa case to tell readers that neglecting strategic marketing and brand management willleave companies vulnerable to existing competitors and new entrants alike.Chapter Ten:Defining a Strategy to Compete presents three basic strategic options--niche,price,anddifferentiation--introduced by Michael Porter that marketers can adopt to compete.Inorder to win market share in a fierce competition,marketers need to assess thecompetitive forces that drive profit in your industry and how they are shaped by thelocal market,competitors,and buyers to develop a coherent strategy to manage thefactors that influence profit and brand equity to prevail over local competition.

2.2 Text Type and Linguistic Features of the Source Text

Reiss(1987)distinguished three categories of texts:informational,expressive,andoperative.The essential feature of an informative text is"clear communication of facts":facts,knowledge,viewpoints,and so forth.The logical or referential languagedimension is employed to transfer the information,and the content or"subject"is themain emphasis of the communication.The source text is a kind of text on an economicsubject for knowledge dissemination,and guidance for marketers who want to excel in anew market.So,it falls into the category of informative text.Generally speaking,thelanguage of informative texts features conciseness,accuracy,objectiveness,andpracticality.The main purpose of the translation is to convey the factual meaningaccurately to the target reader--those marketers prepared to succeed in a foreign market.Munday(2016)believed that the translated text of an informative text should conveythe original text's entire referential or conceptual substance.The translation should besimple,without redundancy,and with elaboration when necessary.Therefore,thetranslator needs to pay attention to the readability of the translated text by taking fullconsideration of the line of logic,cohesion,and connections between sentences andwords.It is also imperative that the translator retain the characteristics of the source textwhen she reproduces the original meaning in the target language.

Chapter 3 Guiding Theory...............................8

3.1 Introduction to Skopos Theory.................................8

3.2 Application of Skopos Theory in the Translation.................9

Chapter 4 Case Analysis...............................11

4.1 Translation of Business Terms.........................11

4.1.1 Literal Translation.................................11

4.1.2 Liberal Translation.........................13

Chapter 5 Conclusion..................................27

5.1 Gains from the Translation...............................27

5.2 Limitations and Future Study...................28

Chapter 4 Case Analysis

4.1 Translation of Business Terms

Business terms are words or phrases which carry particular meaning in the context.In translation,the more challenging time for a translator is when there is no directtranslation of some specific business term.According to Skopos theory,“the translator’sdecisions are ultimately governed by the purpose of the translation”(Pym,2010,p.56).The translation Skopos of the translating business terms is to make target readerscomprehend these terms,which requires the translator has a rich comprehension of thebackground information and the context of the source text.As for the accomplishmentof translation Skopos,the translator applied different translation methods such as literaltranslation and liberal translation.

4.1.1 Literal Translation

Newmark(1998)stated that“in the wider sense,all translations must be as‘literal’,i.e.as close to the original as possible.In the narrower‘word for word’sense,liter