

日期:2023年03月23日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:510
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202303171115136216 论文字数:42555 所属栏目:英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

With the promulgation of General Senior High School English Curriculum Standards(2017)and the reform of the college entrance examination,improving students’writing abilityhas become one of the most important teaching tasks for senior high school English teachers.Particularly,after the inclusion of continuation writing in the college entrance examination,itis essential for high school English teachers to cultivate and improve students’continuationwriting competence.At present,however,the exploration of continuation writing remains inits infancy in senior high school writing teaching.According to Liu and Chen(2016),77%ofthe students believed that the continuation writing was more difficult than the familiar writingtasks;in addition,most of the English teachers believed that the continuation task was difficultin terms of teaching.Students’writing competence fails to meet the requirements in terms ofunderstanding the reading materials,creation of continuous plot,and organization of narrativelanguage,which necessitates an effective and practical measure to improve students’continuation writing.


Students’English writing competence is affected by various factors,such as students’self-efficacy(Wang,2020).For English teachers,assessment,or evaluation,as an importantpart of English writing teaching activities,influences students’writing efficacy.However,fora long time,senior high school English teachers have used traditional teacher-centredsummative assessment(Li&Tan,2018),which may negatively affect students’learning(Jones&Saville,2019).Teachers primarily carry out activities to improve students’examscores while neglecting their learning development and progress in students’attitudes,emotions,strategies,and so on.Teachers give students a writing topic,ask them to completeit,and then grade students’writing and provide corrective feedback without paying attentionto their writing process and strategies(Ma,2016;Shang,2019;Song,2020;Wu,2020;Yuan,2012).Eventually,students do not know how to assess their writing or why they receive suchscores.With this gradually accumulated confusion,students tend to lose interest andconfidence in English writing,become afraid of writing,and have difficulty in improvingtheir writing ability(Li,2008).

1.2 Research Gaps

Although plenty of studies have been conducted to investigate continuation writing,research in this field remains in its infancy.Much attention was paid to the effect ofcontinuation writing on English writing in the prior research,without focusing on individualbeliefs such as students’self-efficacy.Additionally,very little empirical research has beendone on improving continuation writing competence,especially by means of a specificqualitative assessment method.Furthermore,most of the prior studies on continuationwriting were conducted through experiments.There is limited research applying textanalysis,especially in terms of the overall quality of students’continuation writingcompetence from four aspects:content,language,structure and writing norms.Moreover,there is a lack of research on the impact of portfolio assessment on students with differentEnglish writing proficiency in the previous literature.Hence,it is significant to conduct adetailed study on the effects of the portfolio assessment on English continuation writingself-efficacy and competence of senior high school students.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Continuation Writing

2.1.1 Definition of Continuation Writing

The continuation task is a method of writing combined with reading comprehension(Wang,2012).In the task,students are provided with a text that consists of a story without itsending.After students have a full understanding of the material,they are expected to add anending to the given material in the most coherent and logical way to make it a completearticle(Wang&Wang,2014).Reading materials can be twist