

日期:2018年06月05日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1657
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201504231452593340 论文字数:32562 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Backgrounds of the Project
The project was initiated by Xinhua News Agency, with the aim to spread amongChinese college students the latest academic results or scientific findings from foreignresearch and studies, especially in such fields as science, technology, finance, medicine andhealth. On the recommendation of a teacher from Ocean University of China, the authorgot involved in this project after passing a test.The news is to be presented in bilingual form on the screen of a mobile or smartphone, which is widely used by college students. With China's reform and opening-upgaining momentum, the youth, as the future of the nation, are bound to play a moresignificant role in the East-West exchange and cooperation. In an era of modem technology,phone-screen mediated news boasts the advantage of instantaneity and dynamics ininformation dissemination. It allows interactive communication between news editors andaudiences, as well as richer information dissemination including multi-media. Hence, tosome extent, phone mediated news is becoming increasingly popular with students in China's colleges and universities.

1.2 General Requirements of the Project
All members of the translation team must make themselves qualified for thetranslation task, and each member should make adequate preparations from the followingthree aspects.To begin with,members should be highly proficient in both English and Chinesewriting. As the project involves bilingual news,a good command of both Chinese andEnglish is essential for the trans-editing process. Because the members are required tobrowse news covering a wide range of topics and then to collect proper pieces, they aremotivated to read extensively both English and Chinese news on specific topics mentionedabove. Language proficiency will greatly facilitate the speed and quality of news editing.Next, a high degree of news sensitivity is also necessary for picking out the mostneeded topics. While news covers various fields and numerous topics which are updatedevery day, only some of the topics could be chosen as most relevant for the project.Therefore members of the translation crew must be highly sensitive to the news value,especially when choosing the preferred subjects or topics, so that they will be able to selectfrom a pool of information.Finally, all members should also thoroughly know how to search and understand therelevant knowledge before they undertake to translate a piece of news. As some news mayinclude findings of specific fields, professional knowledge should first be adequatelyunderstood to ensure accuracy of expression and precision of meaning. From thisperspective, constant learning in various fields is required.

Chapter Two Features of the News and Challenges in the Task

2.1 Three Features of the Proper News Selected for the Task
As different experts in journalism give varying definitions of mobile phone news, it ishard to find a fixed one. Based on the author's search, according to Professor KuangWenbo from the School of Journalism, Renmin University of China, mobile phone mediais a tool of information dissemination through mobile phone. Thanks to the multiplefunctions of the mobile phone and its convenience of surfing the internet, it becomes adaily choice for people to read online news on their mobile phones. Three distinct featuresof mobile phone news used to assist communication can be summarized as follows:instantaneity and dynamics in information dissemination, instant communication betweeneditors and readers and information dissemination as multi-medium. In the first place, compared with traditional media, phone-screen mediated news isadvan