

日期:2018年08月22日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1432
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201504011351503885 论文字数:52142 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
The paper mainly talks about the translation of the articles The Structure of the War, written by Elaine Scarry, a Harvard professor of English and American literature. The translation report will briefly introduces the whole process of translation, including the introduction of the author, the background, translation analysis and conclusion. In particular, translation analysis is the core part of the paper, and it will focus on the skills used in translating compound sentences which is widely regarded the most difficult part in translation. The article belongs to society and science circle, in which compound sentences are mostly used and it is well known for being strict in logic, precise in structure. How to translate the compound sentences passive sentences and the cultural information involved will be the key points of the article. 
It is widely acknowledged that the translation of the compound sentence is pretty difficult. The compound sentences have various modifiers with complex grammar and structure, and most of them have more than two simple sentences. All of the characteristics of them require appropriate and reasonable skills in translation in order to make them easy to be understood with no restriction from structure and grammar.  The translation of the compound sentences should pay more attention on the difference between English and Chinese, especially the culture factors involved. How to translate those compound sentences into short Chinese and make them in accordance with Chinese culture and code of language is the key point of the paper. The paper will explore the skills for translating the compound sentences in the article The Structure of War. 

目  录

摘要 1
第1章 任务描述 5
1.1 翻译文本来源 5
1.2 委托方要求 5
1.3 翻译文本内容 5
1.4 翻译文本体裁与特征 2
第2章 过程描述 6
2.1 译前准备 6
2.1.1译员确定与责任分配 6
2.1.2 翻译计划 6
2.1.3 翻译完成时间要求 6
2.1.4 翻译工具 7
2.2 翻译过程 4
2.2.1信息收集 4
2.2.2术语表制定 7
2.2.3译文审校 7
2.2.4 翻译执行情况 8
2.3 译后事项 5
2.3.1 质量控制与审校 5
2.3.2 分析与归纳 8
第3章 案例分析 9
3.1 指导原则 9
3.2. 并列复合句的翻译 10
3.2.1. 简单逻辑关系 12
3.2.2复杂逻辑关系 13
3.3. 从属复合句的翻译 13
3.3.1 名词性从句 13
3.3.2. 定语从句 15
3.3.3. 状语从句 17
3.4. 复合句中文化知识的运用 13
第4章 实践总结 24
参考文献 24
附录1 原文与译文 25
附录2词汇表 68
第1章  任务描述

1.1 翻译文本来源

《战争的结构》作者是伊莱恩•斯卡里的,哈佛大学英美文学教授,出生于1946年6月份,他的主要兴趣涉及再现领域(Theory of Representation),身体疼痛语言和艺术中语言和材料结构(the Language of Physical Pain and Structure of Verbal and Material Making in Art),以及科学与法律(Science and the Law),她曾在宾夕法尼亚大学任教。1998年伊莱恩完成《TWA 800的坠落:电磁干扰的可能性》(The Fall of TWA 800: The Possibility of Electromagnetic Interference)这篇文章在纽约书籍评刊中发表时好评如潮,并且她的著作在美国也是广受好评。


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