2.2 Challenges in the Task
Throughout the trans-editing process, challenges mainly include the following three aspects, namely, improper topics of news, over-long original contents as well as originalstructures that need to be adjusted to fit the target texts. To overcome these challenges, theauthor conducts analyses from her experiences based on the functional translation theory,especially Holz-Manttari's Theory of Translational Action. In this theoretical system,translation is defined as a complex action designed to achieve any purpose. Holz-Manttari(1981/1984) focuses on the action involved in the translation process, analyzes the roles ofthe participants (initiator, commissioner, translator, source-text producer, target-textreceiver and user) and emphasizes the situational conditions including time, place and themedium for the translational activity. In this project, as contents of a long piece of news onforeign websites have to be cut to fit the size of a mobile phone screen and the words usedshould be familiar to the Chinese college students whose vocabulary is somehow limited,cutting contents of the original texts, redesigning new structures for the target texts andchoosing words that can be understood by the students are necessary, which makes theguidance of Manttari's Theory of Translational Action in this adaptation processreasonable.According to Holz-Mantt
Chapter Two Features of the News and Challenges in the Task...... 4
2.1 Three Features of the Proper News Selected for the Task...... 4
2.1.1 Instantaneity and Dynamics in Information Dissemination ......4
2.1.2 Instant Communication between Editors and Readers...... 6
2.1.3 Information Dissemination as Multi-media...... 7
2.2 Challenges in the Task ......7
Chapter Three Case Studies of the Adaptation...... 10
3.1 Lexical Level ......10
3.2 Sentential Level...... 12
3.3 Textual Level ...... 14
Chapter Three Case Studies of the Adaptation
3.1 Lexical Level
Although some nouns and verb phrases have their common meaning in daily use, theyshould be translated into their professional meaning when used in a specific field,such asfinance and medicine. Otherwise the translation may seem unprofessional, thus failing toconvey the original message. Here is one example in finance. In the first place, according to the Reuter's Financial Glossary, “revenue” is defined as“The amount of goods or services sold by a