

日期:2021年06月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:807
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202106011118486123 论文字数:28651 所属栏目:工商管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1Introduction

1.1 Background

Among the problems facing contemporary business management are the practices of favoritism,which also often ignore requirement for expertise, professional attitudes and knowledge (Fisher,2001).Favoritism is also influenced by political, environmental & cultural issues. Favoritismusually relies upon strong political reference rather than merit base entry by the employee. Whenfavoritism is wide-spread, it is very hard to be removed from organizations. Stronger will be thereference of the employee job security may be higher. In several countries favoritism may alsoarise due to racism whereas in developing countries favoritism may arise due to caste and referencesystem. In addition, public administration systems provide a better job security to the employeesas compared to private sector. Favoritism in workplace can be very de-motivating for theemployees who are at the unwanted end. Favoritism in the workplace can also result in one personbeing promoted faster than the others unfairly, being paid more to do the same job as others, beingmore tolerated etc. The end result is that they appear to be treated better than others and for novalid reason (Mueller, 2006). Favoritism in a workplace can result in increasing packages &incentives unfairly or by promoting faster than other employees. Favoritism is one of the mostimportant sources of stress. Another main source of favoritism is the personal preference ofdecision makers to the particular employee. It is also cause of loss motivation & productivity. Inmost studies it is observed that root of favoritism is management’s personal preference to aparticular employee. Another main point to be discussed is favoritism generates the value for thesupervisors or principals. They value their power to affect the subordinate’s welfare eitherpositively or negatively. If the supervisors/principals observe by giving the equal chances ofpromotions to all candidates will increases the expense or reduces the profit, then he will promotehis preferred employee/subordinate. So it can be said that if the supervisor is replaced by neutralone, favoritism may disappear from the organization. Favoritism can also be in-group and out-group favoritism. In-groups comprises of the people who belong to same religion, same gender,same caste, same hometown etc. while out-group favoritism comprises of the people who do notshare their characteristics. In organizations, in-group favoritism has been shown to keepthemselves secure and also for the allocation of rewards to team members.


1.2 Research Questions

Listed below is the definite questions of the study:

Q1. What is the effect of Favoritism on job burnout?

Q2. What is the effect of Work Family Conflict on job burnout?

Q3. What is the effect of job burnout on turnover intention?

Q4. What is the impact of IWE on the relationship between Favoritism and Job Burnout?

Q5. What is the impact of IWE on the relationship between WFC and Job Burnout?


Chapter 2Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of Variables

2.1.1 Favoritism

It is a mutual act around the world that has been established as the favored conductOf acquaintances, friends, and family. Favored behavior to someone especially isConsidered to mutual procedures of a relation of favoritism (Büte, 2001). Accordingto Klaus, (2017), favoritism is a kind of human behavior example and several issueshave influence in this multifaceted phenomenon. ―The team favoritism first came tothe discussion by General Jackson who stressed that the system of favoritism wasBeing misused, therefore the team entered the literature‖ (Karakose, 2014).Favoritism is precisely that how it sounds: favoring somebody in an organization, notBecause of their high performance but the motive is exterior of work performance.For example, an executive regularly provides the finest and high stemme