

日期:2021年06月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:807
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202106011118486123 论文字数:28651 所属栏目:工商管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
d programTo the favored worker, although the worker does not deserve his or her performanceAnd/or probably one worker gets upliftment in work gets upliftment in work over hisor her senior or better performer (Hrab, 2017).

In the description, giving special honor to friends, families, and acquaintances in theRange of service, profession and reward are mentioned as favoritism (Arasli &Tumer, 2008). Tikkanen, (2016) describes favoritism as a flavoring on the basis ofPersonal interest, likes and dislikes because the employee belongs to a chosen range.In additionally, favoritism happens when a relationship is established between anExecutive and an operative outside of workplace based on some similarity, commonHistory, and personal interests. Alizadeh, Cioffi-Revilla & Crooks (2015) generalizedThat attitude, trust, dealing, regulation, duties or other social characters are alsoConsidered in favoritism.

Table 1

Table 1


2.2 Favoritism and Job Burnout

Favoritism practices are among the problems facing contemporary management, which oftenunderestimate the need for expertise, professional attitudes and knowledge (Fisher, 2001).Political, environmental, and cultural issues also influence the favoritism. Usually, favoritismrelies on the direct political relation of the employee, rather than merit base entry. If favoritism iscommon, it's very hard to get rid of organizations. Comparison of workplace safety at work maybe better. Favoritism can also occur in many countries due to discrimination, whereas in developedcountries due to the caste and comparison structure favoritism can arise. Furthermore, publicmanagement programs provide the workers with greater job protection compared to the privatesector. Workplace favoritism can be very de-motivating for workers at the undesired end.Workplace favoritism may also result in one person being disproportionately promoted quickerthan the other, being paid more to do the same job as others, becoming more accepted etc. The endresult is that, for no good cause, they appear to be handled differently than others (Mueller 2006).Workplace favoritism can result in disproportionately through benefits & rewards, or promotingthem more quickly than other employees. Favoritism is one of the main causes of stress. Anotherbig cause of favoritism is decision-makers ' personal preference for the individual employee. It isalso the source of motivation for losses & productivity. In most studies it is found that the sourceof favoritism is the personal bias of the management against a particular employee. Anotherimportant point to be explored is favoritism, which creates the interest for managers or executives.


Chapter 3................. 20

Research Methodology .............................. 20

3.1 Research Design ................................. 20

3.2 Population and sampling ...................... 21

Chapter 4.............................. 24

Data Analysis........................ 24

4.1 Demographic Analysis....................... 24

4.2 Correlation Analysis .............. 26

Chapter 5.................. 32

Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations....................... 32

5.1 Discussion..................... 32

5.2 Conclusion............................ 38

Chapter 4 Data Analysis

4.1 Demographic Analysis

There were three demographics includes in this study. The summary of each demographic variableis explained separately in the following sections and they were controlled in regression analysis.

Age of Respondents

Age of Respondents


Chapter 5Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 DiscussionH1: Favoritism is positively associated with Job Burnout.

One of the possible explanations for the peculiar findings is the general acceptance and approvalof favoritism by the Pakistani society. The culture factor is very important as this relationshipbetween the variables/dimension is due to the overall culture of Pakistan, and if we change thecultural context our whole results c