

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1277
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201212041453453769 论文字数:40000 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


大家都知道,大学英语是本科生必修的基础课程。根据最新修订的大学英语课程教学要求,对非英语专业学生(2007年),大学英语教学的最终目的是培养学习者使用英语的全面,1. 绪论

本章探索早期女作家为小说的发展做出的贡献,以及女性自我意识与小说发展的联系,并最终得以从历史的角度对女性和女性文学在英国小说史上的地位予以分析。especially in listening andspeaking, and to develop communicative competence so as to meet the needs ofChina’s social development and international exchanges.Many English teachers in universities and colleges in China always devote theirtime to study English teaching approaches and learning strategies. In their opinions, it’sthe best way to help learners improve exam results. However, many learners can read alot but express a little. Their English is called as “the dumb English”, let alonecommunicate with foreign people. The overall learners’ language competence,especially in listening and speaking, is still far from the expectation of the teachers.
Most English classes in universities and colleges are still teacher-centered ormaterial-centered, just like the way to teach English in high school. The classroomstructure is competitive and individualistic all the time. In English classes, mostteachers still lecture from the beginning to the end, while students often play a verypassive role in learning English, and just sit there taking notes. Except for a few goodstudents standing up to answer the teacher’s question, there are a few activities for allthe class to join in, especially for the poor students. Because in the traditional class,some good students can answer the teacher’s question, and it means win; while otherstudents lose this “game”. It can reduce these students’ interest of learning English.Under this circumstance, teachers find it difficult to enhance all the students’motivation to learn English, let alone to improve their exam results.

1.2 Purpose of This Research研究目的
College English teaching in China is so far dissatisfactory, so teachers shouldcarry out great innovations to change their roles as well as improve class atmosphere,arouse students’ interest, and provide students with social skills.A lot of researches have proved the prominent effectiveness of cooperativelearning in college English. Therefore, cooperative learning is a beneficial attempt toimprove the current situation of English teaching in college.However, there are not enough researches that investigate the relation betweenteachers’ involvement and cooperative learning.
In English teaching, cooperativelearning begins to be implemented initially but not widely used. Many teachers whouse the strategy confront problems in practice because of less experience andconsistently playing the dominant role in teaching. Cooperative learning emphasizesthe interaction between students and teachers’ involvement as well. It’s high time forteachers to change their roles and take part in learners’ cooperative learning activitiesto provide necessary assistance.In light of this situation, the research on the effectiveness of teachers’ involvementin cooperative learning of college English is worthy undertaking. The research not onlyproves the effectiveness of teachers’ involvement in cooperative learning of collegeEnglish, but also finds out the factors influencing effectiveness of teachers’involvement. As long as teachers realize the factors, they can adopt these suggestionsand further implement in pedagogical practice so as to strengthen the effectiveness ofteachers’ involvement in cooperative learning of college English.

Chapter Two:Protests through Female Sexuality and Authority 通过女性性欲和权利的抗争

The cooperative theory in education dated back to Chinese Pedagogical ClassicsXue Ji, which says “To study alone without friends around makes one learn less and beignorant”. Whereas, “cooperative learning” in the real sense originated from 1970s inU.S.A and has been widely spread in the world.Cooperative learning is more learner-centered and seems to be a promisinghumanistic approach. It encourages students’ participation in English classes and helpsto promote positive attitudes towards English as w