

日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:7430
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002292057013510 论文字数:4666 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction






所有毕业论文分以上7个大部分 其中Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Data findings and analysis, Conclusion and Recommendation是必要的.



2、Literature Review占35%


4、Data findings and analysis占25%.


1、Introduction: 主要包括preface, Research question and why, Research objectives, Outlinethe structure of this dissertation

2、Background: 主要是写调查报告的一个背景分析, 例如假如论题为中国奢侈品消费市场, 可以分析中国的经济, 地域, 人口, 环境等周边的背景分析.

3、Literature Review: 是指论题的相关资料文献描述, 并加入自己观点和理解. 这部分需要很大的阅读量和观点的支持.

4、Methodology:描述调查的一些研究问题, 选择何种研究方式, 并说明为何自己要用这种方式进行学术的研讨.

5、Data findings and analysis: 这分两个部分.a. findings: 就是如市场问卷 对于得到的结果的总结, 描述和汇总. b. analysis: 主要是对得到数据结果添加自己的理解和分析.

6、Conclusion and Recommendation:结尾是对文章的总的汇总. 通常比较注重建议和改进. 比如说有哪些是不对的 有哪里需要改进和更新的.


1、文章中不用I, You等第一和第二人称

2、不能抄袭, 也不能不写引用, 国外有非常先进的软件哪怕是 书内的, 网上的, 还是之前写过的, 都会输入到欧美高级教育中心的数据库中, 一旦抄袭后果非常严重.


1、国外非常讨厌网页上的引用. 所以尽量少用。

2、文章内所有引用, 在文内都需要用(姓名, 出版年份) 标注. 这个非常重要. 否则就是抄袭。 

3、一般国外的老师喜欢图文并貌, 章节多一点分的细一点. 所以适当的在以上格式中分类或者细化会让文章更好。

4、在国外平均每5000字需要30本书的原理支持, 15000字以上就是100本以上的书。当然看的书越多对于文章的质量就越高. Reference 不能引用太多, 最多一句二句。通常比例不超过总字数的30%。

5、有很多同学苦于不知道去哪里查找查考资料。学校的图书馆是一个很好的资源。可以借到很多专业书籍。还有很重要的一点,就是电子图书馆。一般学校都会购买很多杂志的电子期刊,从电子图书馆里可以下载到很多的免费paper。另外对学理工科的同学,IEEE、web of science和Google Scholar都是很好的下载论文的,但必须要用学校的网络。


Reflections on Work Groups and Teams


This paper takes a reflective look at my key learning throughout the course and proposes action steps for me to implement the teaching into my daily life.  In the first section, I summarized my three main learning from the semester: reflection and critical thinking, national cultural dimensions, and team effectiveness (Levi, 2016).  Firstly, I explored the intertwined relationship between reflection and critical thinking.  In addition, I examined my organizational culture at my workplace and practice of public reflection in the office.  Then I compared Hofstede’s (2001) national dimensions between countries, especially the different conflict resolution approaches and the two cultures’ views on leadership personality traits.  I further connected and compared my two group experiences through the lens of team assessment.  I also drew support from my work team experiences to further examine the concept of team effectiveness.  In conclusion, the paper provides action steps to help me apply my learning, both at work and in the OLL cohort setting.

Keywords: reflection, critical thinking, national cultural dimensions, team effectiveness

Reflections on Work Groups and Teams

For people with a teachable spirit, learning and applying the newly obtained knowledge has always been an ongoing process.   The primary objective of the paper is to take the first steps of the journey to evaluate my key learning from this semester.  By starting with an in-depth look at the power of reflection and critical thinking, this paper walks through three concepts that impacted me the most from the course.  This paper further discusses practical approaches I could take to implement the learning into my everyday life.

Learning Highlights

Reflection and Critical Thinking

As one of the first theories we discussed, the ideas of reflection and critical thinking served as the learning foundation throughout the course.  Before I joined the Organizational Leadership and Learning (OLL) program, I proudly called myself a reflective person.  Back then, I viewed reflection as simply rumination and self-introspection.  After all the reflective exercises we di