
英国留学生英语毕业论文:在新的交易模式下的网上服装零售研究-On the new transaction model of online apparel retailing

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1535
论文价格:600元/篇 论文编号:lw201212011429217792 论文字数:8135 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

摘要:电子商务报告(信息和通信技术(ICT):活动的英国企业,2006年)的统计数据显示,网上销售的企业正在稳步每年都在增加,这是不是因为纯粹的基于网络的零售商网上销售渠道,但由于网上销售带来客户的利益。统计数据还显示年在英国访问的上网速率是以往任何时候都广泛。站在在8.5米,访问一台计算机上工作的人的数量上升了3.7%,从2005年的8.2米。那些能够访问互联网工作上升了6.2%从6.5米到6.9米。英国毕业论文容易和更多的接入互联网,因此正在发生,这是网上业务量不断增加。 ,笔者将服装的销售在互联网上进行解释性研究和探索的模式,它存在于当今主流的网上服装交易。服装零售和购买超过亚马逊和eBay将是本文的研究目标,因为这两种情况有两种流行的在线业务平台。


The statistics of the ecommerce report(Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Activity of UK Businesses, 2006) indicated that the online sales of the businesses is steadily increasing every year, it is not  because of pure web-based retailers online sales channel, but also due to online sales do bring the customer benefits.  The statistics also showed that access to the Internet rate is ever widespread year by year in UK. The number of people with access to a computer at work stood at 8.5m, a rise of 3.7 per cent from the 2005 figure of 8.2m.  Those able to access the Internet from work rose by 6.2 per cent from 6.5m to 6.9m. With the easy and more access to internet, the result is taking place, which is the ever-increasing online business volume. The author will conduct a explanatory study on the sales of apparel on the internet and explore the model which exists in today’s mainstream online apparel transactions. The apparel retailing and purchase over Amazon and EBay will be the research objective in this paper, because the two cases are two popular online business platforms.

2 Literature review
2.1 Online apparel sales
2.2 The benefits the customer desire by shopping apparel online
2.2.1 The tendency for low price
2.2.2 The tendency for convenience
2.2.3 The customization demand
2.3 The risks and barrier for the online apparel purchasing
3 Methodologies
3.1 Data collection
4 Findings from the Ebay and Amazon online apparel sales cases
4.1 Amazon case analysis
4.1.1 Amazon is a typical B2c ecommerce model
4.1.2The interaction channel
4.1.3 It is a multi channel of sales for the product manufacturers
4.1.4 The business process and the payment guarantee the deal security
4.2 The eBay UK cases
4.2.1 The typical C2c model
4.2.2 How the online store sell clothes.
4.2.3 The simultaneous communication in C2C model
4.3 Is B2c and C2c enough for the UK online apparel shoppers?
5 Discussions
6 Conclusions


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